Chapter 39

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"This is the last one Emily, there's no way I'm popping out another one" Alison turned her head to her wife flashing a warm smile.

Emily couldn't wipe the smile off her face as she stared at her infant son. He was beautiful, he was almost a spitting image of her and Ashton. Brown eyes, dark hair, and smooth tan skin. He was definitely darker then his other two siblings.

"Don't worry babe, three is enough for us" Emily winked

The brunette scooted into bed next to Alison and threw her right arm over her shoulders. Alison leaned back into her wife's embrace loving the moment they were having just staring at their youngest son.

The moment ended when a nurse came strolling into the room with a paper and pens. She placed the paper on the table that hovered over Alison's bed. Emily leaned in and smiled seeing what it was.

"Are you positive with the name we picked?" Emily arched an eyebrow, holding the pen in her hand ready to sign their son's birth certificate.

"Of course" Alison nodded enthusiastically

The brunette smiled once more before writing down his name, then signing hers before passing the pen to Alison. The blonde held the infant with one arm against her chest and signed her name with the other. Emily felt that same rush of pride as she did when she signed the twin's birth certificate.

They leaned back and stared at him the whole time. Emily gently ran the pad of her thumb down his chubby cheek.

"Welcome to the world, James Ashton Fields"


"Noah get in the house now!" Alison shouted at the four year old. She leaned against the car and wiped the sweat from her forehead. Taking a deep breath, she loved her kids so much but sometimes she just couldnt stand them.

Emily ran around the car and gently took James's baby carrier from her wife. She caressed her face, then lightly kissed her lips. "Just go lay down baby, I got them"

Alison swallowed tiredly and dropped her head on her wife's shoulder. "He's not listening to me, he's gonna get all dirty and I just gave him a bath"

Emily swatted Alison's ass playfully, telling her to go inside. Still holding the carrier, she walked over to the trunk and picked up the diaper bag and slung it over her shoulder.

"Noah get out off the ground and get inside the house right now!" She told him sternly showing that she meant business. He pouted but obliged. She then walked over to the door and smiled at her only daughter. She unbuckled her and helped her out of the car.

"C'mon princess" She patted her back guiding her to the house.

Once inside, she placed the baby carrier in the middle of the living room and threw her jacket on the back side of the couch before plopping down with a heavy sigh, enjoying closing her eyes even if it was just a moment.

Alison sluggishly walked down the stairs and plopped down next to the brunette laying her head down on Emily's chest, feeling her wife's heart beat always calmed her down.

"I am so fucking tired" Ali moaned closing her eyes as well

Emily nodded in a agreement running her hand throw her wife's blonde locks.

"Mom! Noah wont give me back my Barbie!" Rowan's hysterical voice rung out through the house. Followed by sobs.

Alison groaned starting to get up, but Emily stopped her. "I'll deal with them babe, Jamie will be awake soon anyway, so just relax for now"

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