Chapter 20

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Trigger warning


Emily approached Alison's door and knocked lightly. The brunette could hear the women's sobs imitating from the inside. She gripped the door knob, and turned it only to find it locked.

"Ali..." She spoke through the door softly, running her finger tips down the old wood. Hearing the blondes sobs through the door. When Emily heard no answer she turned the door nob and pushed the door open, softly closing it behind her. She glanced quickly around the room, Alison was no where to be found. She then heard the quiet blow of the wind coming from the open patio doors.

Emily walked over to the open doors and gasped at what she saw on the other side.

Alison was standing on the ledge looking out into the star filled night sky. Silent tears falling from her eyes, not knowing exactly why she was up there.

"Alison..." Emily started trying to keep her voice steady. Even though she was terrified on the inside, scared at what Alison might do. She could hear her heart beat in her ears.

"It's a beautiful night isn't it?" Alison asked as her lip quivered, facing away from the brunette. Her curly blonde hair softly blowing in the wind, the saltiness of her tears on her lips.

"Emily ignored her question "Please get down" she demanded softly

"Why?" Alison shrugged defeatedly desperation clear in her tone "I'm nothing Emily, If I jumped right now, the world wouldnt change, the tides would still go out, the sun would still rise, and the grass would still grow" She exclaimed in a shaky voice as tears continued to fall. "I'm nothing" she repeated.

"You're not nothing Alison" Emily stated strongly, unmoving afraid if she made any sudden movements Alison would do something. Emily had gone through hell, her whole life, being starved, getting beaten until she couldnt stand by foster parents, and even getting blown up in a desert. But none of that compares to how scared she was in this moment, she was absolutely beyond terrified.

"I am though" She disagreed shivering slightly from the wind, her eyes stinging from the amount of tears she was crying "Mom says it, Jason says it, and I bet my dad does as well, I'll never fit in. Never"

Emily slowly walked closer to the broken girl "Please get down" She asked again, she was too afraid to talk to the blonde while she was standing up there like that.

Alison sighed still not obliging with Emily "I can't, I deserve to be up here" A sob got caught in her throat at her own admission.

Emily roughly shoot her head in disagreement "You dont Alison, you can't let your mothers words get to you, they mean nothing, they're not true"

"Yes they are, she's right Em, I'm nothing. I was stupid enough to fall for her tricks again thinking that somehow she would change, somehow she would be different, but she wasnt. I should have known that nothing would change. But I fell for it anyway" She spoke in a defeated tone "She made me lose myself again, she made me feel ashamed of who I am again" she spat wiping her tears off her cheeks before continuing "But the worst thing she did, was make you turn against me, she made me lose you, she knew that what I felt for you is special, so she broke it down and ruined it. And it will always be like that as long as she's alive"

Hearing Alison's speech made Emily tear up. Alison must not have heard what she had said to her mother. "You didnt lose me Ali, I'm right here baby" Emily reached out and softly placed her hand on the back of Alison's fore arm.

Alison's arm flooded with goosebumps at Emily's touch "You hate me" she cried

"No I dont Ali, I could never hate you" Emily admitted wanting more then anything for Alison to get down from the ledge.

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