Chapter 25

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2 months later
Life has been normal since the ceremony, and Alison couldn't ask for anything more.

Her and Emily were in some type of schedule. Emily was amazing, when ever she was with her there was never a dull moment. It was now September, and the weather had began to chill down. Her and Emily had now been together six months, and so far they have been the best six months of her life.

Emily was everything Alison could have asked for, not only was she tall and unbelievably gorgeous. She was caring, protective, thoughtful and extremely loving. The blonde never would have knew that she could fall so hard and fast for someone. She loved with Emily more then anyone in this world, almost to the point where she would be lost without her.

Right now Emily had just gotten home from work and they were cuddled up on the couch watching a movie. It was their normal Friday night routine. They weren't like normal twenty-two and twenty-one year olds. They were a lot more mature. Probably because they were forced to grow up faster then any other kid, seeing both of their situations growing up.

Alison had just realized that they haven't had sex since the first time. The blonde knew that Emily was probably just giving her some space, but she did not want any. And she planned to end their dry spell tonight.

The blonde lifted her head from her girlfriends shoulder and cupped Emily's jaw, crashing their lips together. Emily immediately reciprocated the kiss hungrily. The brunette was also feeling the same way as the blonde.

Emily grasped Alison's hips and lifted the girl into her lap, never breaking their intense lip lock. Emily hungrily ran her hands down her girlfriends body landing on her ass. She squeezed lightly earning a breathy moan from Alison.

Alison's body was on fire from Emily's touch, she was so turned on. Then she slapped Emily's hands away from her body before tearing the brunettes shirt off.

Emily smirked at her girlfriends actions "Well, I see who is really in charge around here" her smirk fell from her face and she let out a sharp gasp when she felt Alison's hands massage her breasts.

"Your so hot" Alison breathlessly admitted as she feverishly thrashed her hips against Emily's lap, and kissed her hungrily. Soon Alison's shirt was discarded as well as her sweatpants and bra.

Emily sat up and buried her face in between the valley of Alison's breasts inhaling the women's scent before attaching her lips to a a garden bud. Alison moaned and tangled her fingers in brunette hair, holding her girlfriend tight against her chest.

Alison threw her head back and moaned, sending a jolt through to Emily's core. "Damn, your so beautiful" she breathed in to her chest and gripped the blondes back and guided her thighs around her own hips, before standing up with her girlfriend in her arms.

The next morning Emily and Alison were still bed cuddled up together. Alison's naked body was half on top of the brunettes. They were both awake talking. It was morning like these that Alison loved the most.

"Have you ever thought about having kids with me?"

Emily froze at Alison's question. It's not that she didn't want kids with the blonde, it's because she did, more then anything. It's just that they weren't married yet, nor were they engaged either. Maybe she was just over reacting.

"Uhh yeah" Emily chocked out

Alison narrowed her eyes at Emily's tone. Did Emily not want to have kids? "Why'd you say it like that?"

"Like what?" Emily shot back dumbly

"That tone" Alison pointed out "You had that tone you do when you just tell me what I want to hear"

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