Extra Chapter (part 2)

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"Em stop complaining we just got here"
Alison scolded her wife.

Emily unwillingly followed behind Alison, as she walked through the store. It was currently approaching spring, and now that Alison was "childless" as she put it. She decided to take up gardening.

See Emily wouldn't have a problem with that, if Alison didn't kill every single plant she touched. Seriously, the women couldn't keep a plant to save her life.

One time, Emily ya bough her wife a beautiful bouquet of flowers for Mother's Day, they costed a good amount of money. Only to arrive home from work the next day and find them dead, with a guilty looking Alison next to her.

"I swear, I didn't touch them this time"

Is what she said, then proceeded to pamper the brunette in hopes she would forget about the flowers.

Now that she's older, Alison thinks she can take care of them.

"I've been a mother for over twenty-five years, I'm pretty sure I'm capable of watering some plants"

To which Emily replied with

"Whatever you say babe"

So that's how she found herself behind pulled around the store, looking for damn flowers, as she missed the patriots game. She even had her own fantasy football, team, the anxiety of what was happening was weighing on her chest.

"Ali, I'm missing the game" Em whined like a child

Alison scopes out the flowers, pretending to know what the labels meant "The game will be there when we get home"

"Yeah, and these flowers will be here tomorrow"

Alison glared at Emily, but the brunette didn't flinch, she had expected it.

"It's just a game Emily, I'm your wife" She points out, wandering down the rows "therefore my needs, are more important"

"That is true but —"

"But nothing" Alison interrupted her "Now quit complaining, that's supposed to be my job"

Emily couldn't help but grin, because it was true. Alison complained about everything. But that's what women do, so it's nothing the brunette couldn't handle.

"Do you even know what you're looking at?" Emily mused, as she watched her wife's face scrunch up as she read the labels.

"Yes I do" She snipped "I've been asking you to do the flower beds in front of the walk way, but you keep putting it off. So now I have to do it myself"

Emily huffed, sending Alison a disbelieve look "Sorry, I was busy, you know fixing the lawn mower, the ice machine on the fridge, your work computer, and the busted sink in our bathroom"

Alison's face fell at that, she then turned around, cupped Emily's cheek and planted a sloppy kiss on her lips.

"i know that . And I love you so much" she batted her eye lashes "And I appreciate all that you do"

Emily hummed, then slapped Alison's ass silently urging her to move forward.

Alison gasped mockingly "Don't do that here baby, you know what it does to me" her voice dropped, followed by a teasing wink.

Emily rolled her eyes, falling in step beside her.

Finally thirty minutes later, they were walking out of the store, with a new stock of black mulch, and various flowers Alison had picked out. Emily had all items stacked up on the cart, she was pushing.

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