Chapter 27

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"No! Mommy dont let them take us!"

Eight year old Emily was a sobbing mess. She watched as the people guided her brother out of the house. She managed to break free, from the adults hold and run towards her mother.

Emily wrapped her arms around Pam's torso, hoping for her mother to hug her just as tight.

But she didnt.

Pam just stared straight a head with no emotion in her eyes. She didnt make any move to hug her daughter back.

Emily realized this and pulled back. Pam watched as a broken expression crawled on to her little girl's beautiful face.

"Please don't let them take us" the eight year old pleaded softly

The social worker grasped Emily's arm and gently pulled her out the door. The last thing she saw was her mothers expressionless face, doing absolutely nothing to stop them.

Alison watched Emily in concern, as she relived memories from the past. The whole room was dead silent.

Hanna sat on the couch with a confused look. Ashton couldnt reach anybody's eyes. Pam stood at the door staring at her daughter, but not like the look before. No, this time there was emotion in her eyes. They weren't empty. They were full of regret and sadness.

Emily couldnt even lift her eyes from the floor, she was too afraid to look at Pam. Her heart was beating faster then it ever had. After her mother hadnt come to visitation day for the fifth time when they were in a group home, she and Ashton had come to the conclusion that they would never see her again, and that she didnt care.

"Get out" Emily simply said finally lifting her gaze from the floor.


"Get out!" Her voice grew, as well as her anger. She could feel her skin boiling, as if she was going to explode. Every beating, every scream, every birthday missed, everything that happened to her while she was in foster homes surged to her, clouding her memory. All of it, all that happened was because of Pam. She let it happen to them, she let them get taken away without even trying to stop it. She just let it happen without a word.

"Emily just let me explain" Pam hysterically pleaded tears stinging her eyes. Pam couldnt even begin to explain the guilt and regret she feels for giving into her emotions, and letting it get to the point where child services had to take her children away. Yes she was destroyed because of the passing of her husband, but she should have been strong for her kids, she should have been there for them.

"No! You dont get to explain" The young brunette snapped "You dont get to come back fourteen years later and apologize" she balled her fists closing her eyes trying to control the raging storm that was about to be unleashed.

"Ashton" Pam glanced towards her son with pleading eyes, she knew this wasnt going to be easy, at least not with her daughter. Pam knows that Emily is a lot like her father, and with being said Wayne never liked broken promises nor did her like being left behind. Emily was they same way, she is extreamly loyal, until you break her trust. And when you do that, you're basically dead to her.

Ashton walked over to his sister and grabbed her shoulders "Let's just hear what she's got to say alright?"

Emily's eyes shot up to his, firing blazing in them. She could not believe what he had just said. "After all she's put us through, you still want to hear what she has to say?" She shrugged Ashton's hands from her shoulders violently. "She's the reason why we grew up like that"

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