Chapter 40

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So many time jumps, I'm sorry. This will be the last one


As the years went on the kids got older, and the days went faster. Alison and Emily would be celebrating their seventeenth wedding this year. It was crazy how fast the years went by, the twins would be turning sixteen this year, and Jamie would be turning thirteen.

Alison and Emily were still as happy as ever, their love never faded. It seemed to get deeper and deeper by the day. Alison often found herself thinking back to the day they had met on the plane, and what could of happened had she not let Emily sit next to her. She felt as if she wouldnt have an amazing life like her own. The brunette never failed to make her feel loved and desired on her bad days, and Alison, of course, did the same in return.

Right now, the whole family had come out to support Noah at his football game. Emily usually came to all of them, she hated missing them, she looked forward to watching from the front row every Friday night to cheer her son on. Alison would come of the temperature wasnt to cold, she hated the cold, and the other kids usually had their own things to attend. Rowan had her music and softball, while Jamie had his own football and basketball games. All the kids loved sports, something they had picked up from Emily herself.

Emily and Alison were both clothed in their Sharks gear, supporting the team. Noah would never admit it, but he loved having his parents there.

The whole family loved football, it was a house rule, that on every Sunday it was strictly family only, so they could watch the game together. It was a Fields tradition, they had done this since the kids were born, and even though they are older, doesn't mean that its going to stop.

"Oh come on!" Emily exasperated "How the hell was that a flag" She said more to herself, her eyes not leaving the Field.

Alison chuckled to herself at her wife's annoyance, Emily always got really into the game, she loved how involved the brunette is, despite her hectic work schedule. Em never missed a thing.

"Mom" Jamie grabbed his mother's arm gaining her attention

"Yeah bud?"

"Can I go get a snack please? I'm hungry" Alison nodded and handed her son a few bucks watching as he walked down the bleachers to find the snack shack.

She then moved closer to her wife and looped her right arm through the brunette's and cuddled into her side, gaining some type of warmth.

"Babe, are we going to tell the kids after the game?" Alison whispered so that Rowan couldnt hear her.

Emily finally tore her eyes away from the game and met her wife's gaze. "Yeah that sound like a good idea" She agreed turning back to the game.

The kids didnt know, but instead of staying home for thanks giving, they had planned a trip to a resort in Mexico. It was a beautiful place, and they know the kids are going to be excited. Hell, Em and Ali, were over the moon, they never done something like this before because all three kids were had to take places, hence their continuous fighting. They still bickered, but not as bad as before.

The whole crowd jumped for joy when Noah scored the game winning touch down, Emily couldnt have been more proud. They raced down to the Field, running right up to their son. Alison bear hugged him while squealing.

"Oh my gosh baby! I'm so proud of you!"

Noah slightly blushed, from getting all this attention. "Mom....I can't breath"

Alison immediately let go of her son and smiled brightly at him. His blue eyes sparkled with happiness, his hair slightly disheveled from wearing his helmet. He was now much taller then Emily and herself.

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