Chapter 15

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Waring mentions of child abuse


Today had officially been four months since Emily and Alison met. Yup it is August sixth. Which means that its been three months of Emily and Alison living together, and one month since Ashton was found. Who still wont tell Emily what happened and she was beginning to think that maybe he never will. Anyways back to the date August sixth the day Alison met one of the best people she's ever met. The blonde also has classified that date as the best day of her life, but has never told Emily. But in her mind, it is.

So Emily decided that they were going to have they're first official date today since that is indeed Emily and Alison's 'Anniversary'. At least thats what the blonde wants Emily to call It, so she was not going to put up a fight, not that she was complaining anyways. She liked the fact that she and Alison had their own anniversary, it was cute and all new to her.

Emily had the perfect date planned, she was going to bring Alison to one of her favorite spots in Rosewood. A spot hat she had always found herself coming back to when ever she lived in Rosewood through out her whole childhood. The majority of the time dad died and mom went crazy, Ashton and Emily stayed in Rosewood with the foster parents they were placed with, and attended the Rosewood school system. But other times when something went wrong in one home, their social worker Linda, would move them to another house with different foster parents.

So anyways, Emily was determined to make this first date unforgettable. She wanted it to be perfect. Emily wanted to be able to tell her and Alison's future chil- woah! slow down Emily, she's not even your girlfriend, and yet you're already thinking about kids? get a hold of yourself. Emily scolded herself quickly.

Since they didnt own a car at the moment, Emily rented one just so she could load some stuff into the trunk and she could drive them to Emily's spot.

Right now Alison was upstairs in their apartment getting ready while Emily prepared her things. Emily had told Alison to dress comfortable, so she slipped on a pair of loose fitting jeans, and a t-shirt. Her hair was down in light curls, and she applied some natural looking make-up. Done with getting ready, Alison made her way towards the couch and sat down as she waited for Emily to come up and get her.

Alison was supper excited for Emily planned, but mostly she was just happy she had Emily to herself all night. She had never done this before. Not once with anybody. She was always the quiet kid in the back of the class with braces and big nerdy glasses. She was never really made fun of, because people always avoided talking to her, like she was invisible, even her own family. Emily is the only person who has never avoided her, not once. Even if Alison just rambles on about something that happened at work, Emily will sit an listen to her.

"What are you waiting for?" Ashton asked as he plopped down next to the blonde

Alison didnt even bother looking at him "I'm waiting for Em"

"Ohhh are you going on a da-"

"Ashton stop antagonizing Ali please" Emily suddenly said as she walked through the door. Alison instantly perked up at the sight of Emily, and happily jumped up from the couch approaching the tall brunette with a smile graced upon her face.

"Why hello there beautiful" Emily spoke in a seductive undertone pecking Alison softly on the lips

"Hi" Ali breathed planting he lips on the brunettes once again smiling into the kiss. Which she knew Emily loved.

"Ugh gag you guys are gross" A fake gagging sound was heard from the couch "Why dont you take your PDA else where?"

Emily raised a challenging eye brow at her brother "Its not PDA in my own home, you do know what PDA stands for right?"

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