Chapter 9

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Emily picked up Alison, after work just like she had promised. They just finished dinner, it was about 5 pm so they still had a lot of time left until the sun went down.

"Emily where are we even going?" Alison asked impatiently

Emily chuckled "Hold on we are almost there" She tugged the blonde in the right direction "There's this place where my parents first met. My dad would tell me they stoty about every time we passed it" She laughed in remembrance "I acually memerized the story"

Alison and Emily walked along the side walk to their destination, Emily directing the way. Their shoulders brushed up against each other, causing Alison to feel sparks fly at the contact. She lokked over at Emily catching her gaze "Can you tell me?"

Emily paused for a moment, sighed, but began to tell the story "It was acually quite similar to how me re-met at the Brew. My father had just gotten home on some leave from the Army, so him and his friends went to 'Mixers', thats the name of the bar" Emily quicly explained

Alison nodded in understanding matter, waiting for Emily to continue on with her story.

"Once her walked in he bumped into my mother, causing her to spill her drink all over her" Emily chuckled "He told me, that the glare my mother sent him was the scariest thing he had ever seen"

Emily paused and sighed, but the two of them continued walking

"My mom was extremely furious because he had ruined her shirt. But no matter how mad she was, he would still try to buy her a drink, after that night the kept bumping into each other, my mom acted like she hated him, but my dad knew that she didnt so he continued to bother her until she gave in" The brunette finished with a smile

"That was a beautiful story Em, thank you for telling me"

Emily's gaze shies away as she tucks her hands into her jacket pockets and looks down at her feet. She shyly smiles at Alison and gives her a nod of acknowledgment.

The girls continued to walk in a comfortable silence. Alison was happy that Emily had opened up to her again. Even if it was about her parents, it was still apart of her past and who she was. Since moving in with her, Alison found that Emily was a very hard person to read. She never really showed any real emotion, besides her eyes. Emily's eyes were everything, when they looked at Alison, she felt so special, so wanted. And that's all she's ever yearned for.

Emily was always there, even if it was just to listen to Alison's rambles about her favorite movies and tv shows. It felt really good to have a friend, Even though she didn't know much about the gorgeous brunette, Emily knew almost everything about her. Besides the fact that she was gay. She was to afraid to lose Emily. She wouldn't make if she did.

"We're here" Emily stated, suddenly breaking Alison out of her thoughts.

Emily walked a little bit a head of the blonde and held the door open for her "After you"

Alison nodded and walked through the door with Emily following behind her. Once inside Alison took in her surroundings. The place was definitely old fashioned. There was a bar to the left when you walk in, and a huge make shift dance floor to the right, and in the middle stood a beautiful shiny black piano. There were people drinking and eating at the bar, while others, assuming people their age were dancing 'Smooth Criminal' by Michael Jackson

"Oh my gosh!" Alison squealed "This is my favorite song! Lets go dance" The excited blonde took grip on Emily's hand and dragged her to the dance floor. Not that Emily out up a fight anyways, since she loved to dance, she shared that hobby with her brother. They began dancing since as long as she could remember.

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