Chapter 28

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The next couple months flew by in the blink of an eye and it was now February. Thanksgiving was great and so was Emily and Alison's first Christmas as a couple. Time seemed to fly when they were together. It was almost as if they controlled it. Time dragged and quickened when they wanted it to. Time didnt really matter though, all that mattered was each other.

The house was coming along well. Everyday after work Emily would drive out there and work on it little by little. She even had some of her army buddies, including Ashton to help speed up the process, so that she and Alison could get the hell out of that cramped apartment as fast as possible. Emily even let Alison have a hand in designing it so that she could be apart of building it as well.

Every day Alison thought about her book. And everyday she found herself wanting to do something with it. She wanted people to read it. She wanted it out there. Alison told Emily and the brunette was extreamly happy for her. She suggested they find a publisher and do something about it.

Emily was proud of Alison. The blonde had come so far since the day they met. She was more confident in herself, more outspoken. There always seemed to be a smile on her face as well. Seeing Alison smile made Emily smile. It is all she could've asked for.

Emily loved Alison more then anything she wanted to tie the knot so to speak. They had been dating for almost a year now. The brunette felt as if it is time. Alison deserved it and so did she. If Emily had it her way she would give the world to her girlfriend. She would do everything and anything for the blonde, thats how much she loved her. And Alison felt the exact same way.


Alison was angry. She had been calling Emily all afternoon and had gotten no answer. And to add to that, Emily had been coming home late every night. So they would barley see each other.

The blonde had a stressful day, all she wanted to do was go home and curl up with her girlfriend on the sofa. But just like it had been for the past two weeks Emily had not come home yet. Alison couldnt help but think the Emily was hiding something from her. She was being very secretive and quiet. When Emily came home late all she wanted to do was sleep because she was so tired. She even fell asleep in the middle of a conversation with Alison, to which irritated the blonde further.

So here she was again. Wide awake late at night. Waiting on Emily who was supposed to be home four hours ago, but there was still no sign of her. It is really starting to piss Alison off. Because then her mind started to jump to all different kinds of conclusions. Her body filling with insecurities from head to toe.

Is Emily cheating on me?

Did Emily finally realize that I'm just as useless as every says I am?

Am I not goo enough?

Alison stopped her mind before it could go any further and remember who she was thinking about. No. This is Emily. The women who yelled at her mother. The women who punched her brother, and stopped her from jumping. The person who tells her she's beautiful multiple times a day. No Emily loves her.

She wouldnt hurt me like that.

After shooing all those thoughts from her head and flipped open her phone and called Emily for the fifth time that day. The blonde wasn't surprised when it went to voicemail. So she waited for the beep and spoke into the phone.

"I don't know what your problem is Emily Fields but you better answer you damn phone!"

Alison slammed her phone shut after that and threw it down on the bed with an angry huff. Her head hurt. She missed Emily, all she wanted was for the brunette to be home and hold to make her feel better. But she wasnt there.

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