Chapter 22

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Her heart beat thumped in her ears, pulsed through her veins feeling it in the tip of her fingers. Miller was out there wheezing, groaning they had to of heard him by now. Emily quickly glanced around trying to spot any weapon in sight.

She crouched down out of sight searching the area, being as quiet as possible. Her brown eyes landed on a gun not to far, as she made her way towards it, a blood hurdling scream filled her ears.

The hairs on her neck stood up, and her hear thumped harder. The brunette followed the sounds of the nonstop screams. She was so high on adrenaline that the pain from her abdomen completely diminished. She peaked into the demolished Humvee to find Arizona screaming on a continuous loop.

Emily stumbled over to the blonde falling on her knees next to her. The brunette placed her hand over her mouth. "Shut up!" she whisper yelled "They're going to hear us"

Arizona's eyes flew opened in shock and instantly stopped screaming. Emily scanned the girls body to see what was wrong. Her eyes fell on a piece of shard lodged into her thigh. Arizona's widened further as her eyes landed on it as well. She glanced up at Emily to find her giving her a knowing look.

"I have to take it out" Emily spoke pointing to her thigh.

Arizona nodded biting her lip "Do it" she agreed preparing herself for the worse

Emily silently nodded gently placing her blood covered hand on the shard "On three"

The blonde closed her eyes tight counting down with her "One"


"Three" Emily gripped it ripping it out of the womens leg. Eliciting a bloodcurdling scream from her blonde friend

The clock read nine pm. Emily had now been sitting at the bar for the last two ours. She had told Alison that she was at a meeting, which she didnt lie entirely because she did go to a meeting then stopped here after.

When Emily first got back, her nightmares and flash backs were horrible, most of them containing Arizona's screams of pain, and blood. Lots of blood. Then when she and Alison become close the blonde was a distraction from her own mind. Besides the occasional nightmares here and there. Those were pretty much inevitable. Not only was she upset and betrayed when Alison left, her nightmares came back, an so did the flashbacks. Her distraction was gone.

So she went back to drinking, even though she promised herself she wouldnt. She did. Drinking was the only this that stopped the memories, stopped the flashbacks, stopped her mind from taking control. For just those couple of hours of being drunk, she forgot, and thats all she wanted. She wanted to forget.

They haunted her, the screaming, the groans of pain, the blood, the loud noises, the gun shoots. And there was no way to stop them. Once her mind took control, there was not taking it back.

Emily would never admit it out loud, but she was terrified of being alone, because thats when it started , thats when it took over, thats when she lost control. The thoughts were so strong, like bullets shooting into her skin. Once they started, there was no way to stop them.

Thats why she was at the bar right now, drinking alone. The worst part though, was that Alison had no idea of her drinking problem. Emily thought since she had gotten Alison back, that it would just go away. That the urge would just disappear.

But it didnt, it just got stronger.


"What the fuck did you just say?!"

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