Chapter 41

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Walking into the entrance of the resort the whole family stared in awe. The place they would be staying was beautiful, there was a huge infinity pool over looking the ocean, and a private peach that had clear blue waters.

They checked in at the front seat and asked for their room keys. They debated whether or not to get two separate rooms since there was five of them, or just buy one big room. In the end they decided on getting the big room with two queen size beds and and couch. The kids would decide who was sleeping where.

Opening the door of the room, Jamie dashed inside and threw his body onto one of the beds, sighing in relief.

"I'm soooo tired" he mumbled into the fluffy blankets.

Emily walked inside and dropped hers and Alison's bags, with the rest of the family behind her.

Alison sat down on the edge of the bed Jamie was on and poked his side. "You better not get comfortable Jam, that's our bed" she gestured between her wife and her self.

It was a long flight, they had a layover in Texas so that they wouldn't have to stay on the plane that long. Traveling was tiring all the whole family was spent.

Emily chuckled lightly as she looked over to find Noah passed out on the other bed snoring.

"Noah....move" Rowan whined trying to shove him off the bed. He groaned and buried his head in the pillow.

"Shut up, I'm trying to sleep"

Rowan scoffed and crossed her arms over her chest. "But you told me that I could have the bed tonight, and you would sleep on the couch"

He lifted his head and a tired smirk played on his lips "Too late, tomorrow I promise" he waved her off.

Rowan mumbles under her breath before she angrily grabs a blanket and wraps it around her sled before kicking off her shoes and flipping down on the couch falling asleep.

The next morning Emily awoke to her wife opening the curtains letting all the light it.

"Rise and shine!" The blonde cheerily announced eliciting groans from all four participants in the room.

"What the hell mom?" Noah fling his blankets over his head.

Alison bounces over to him and ripped his blankets off, before doing the same to everyone else.

"It's eight thirty in the morning Ali" Emily mumbled reluctantly sitting up in bed. Rowan still had made no move to get up.

"Com'n on, get your lazy asses out of bed right now, our first excursion starts in and hour" Ali explains walking into the bathroom to get ready.

Today they signed up for snorkeling with fish in the ocean. The package came with the resort.

"Guys get up before she comes back out and yells at all of us" Emily grunted running her hand through her disheveled hair, she was still exhausted from yesterday. "I don't want to listen to her scream"

"Fine" They all spoke in unison before getting out of bed to get ready.

Minutes later Emily was sitting on the bed waiting for everyone else to get ready. She turned her head at the sound of the bathroom door opening. A smirk crawled onto her face seeing her wife's attire.

"Look at you, lookin all sexy" she purred standing up from her spot walking towards the blonde.

Alison blushed walking into the brunettes arms. "I could say the same to you" she replied, her eyes looking her wife up and down. She had on a black bikini, with a muscle tee and shorts covering it.

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