Chapter 42

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Emily glanced at her watch for what felt like the hundredth time In the last five minutes. Opening the door to check the weather, since it was chilly out, she closed the door and decided to slip on her jacket  Alison had bought her for her birthday. The brunette anxiously tapped her foot and leaned against the upstairs railing.

"Ali come on! We're going to be late" Her wife was taking forever to get ready, like always. She had hoped that Alison would eventually grow out of that habit, but it has been almost eighteen years. So that hope was now out the window.

Meanwhile in the bathroom, Alison annoyingly threw her hands up in the air before turning her head in the direction of the door. "I'll be down in a minute!"

Emily scoffed and grabbed the car keys, opening the door. Jut before she walked out of the house she screaming over her shoulder "If you're not down in five minutes I'm leaving!"

They had to be at Rowan's piano recital in about twenty-five minutes. The school was about fifteen minutes away, but the brunette wanted to get there early so that they could get a seat. Once at the car she opened the door and got into the drivers seat, putting on the heat and warming up the car, because she knows her wife will complain about the cold as soon as she gets in.

One minute later she sees Alison locking the front door and sauntering over to the car hugging her purse to her chest with a smug grin on her face. She sat in the passenger seat, and leaned over the middle and grabbed the lapels of Emily's jacket and planting a passionate kiss on her wife's lips. Forgetting to put her seat belt on.

"See" she smiled her dimples popping "We wont be late"

Emily playfully rolled her eyes before putting the car in drive and backing out of the driveway.

Taking advantage of their alone time, Emily decided to bring up what she had been wanting to ask her wife for a week now.

"Ali, can we talk for a minute?" She hesitantly asked

Alison turned her head to her wife puzzled at the tone, sensing that it must be serious "Of course"

Emily nodded silently to herself "So....I um-my boss talked to me about something last week that really caught my interest" is all she said

"Oh yeah? what was it"

"He said that they needed the best of the best for a mission, and undercover mission and apparently I'm the best, so he would like me to be the lead agent on the case" Emily spoke looking anywhere but the women next to her.

Alison's eyes widened as a proud smile adorned her face, she grabbed Emily's hand in her own and gently kissed the back of it "Thats great news babe!" She knew how much her wife loved her job, but her smile quickly fell when she realized Emily wasnt as happy as she was "What's with the face? aren't you happy?"

Emily bit her lip, then sighed "I am happy" she clarified "It's just that the mission requires me to move out to Chicago for a couple months" she said softly gauging her wife's reaction.

Alison's fell at hearing the new information. The car was silent. The blonde didnt know what to think, yes she knew that Emily wanted this. But would she be able to handle having her brunette away for so long. This was giving her flashbacks from the time Emily left for the army. Because she knew that in this mission her wife wouldnt be one hundred percent safe, and that scared her.

"Ali?" Em asked not being able to bear the silence any longer.

"I dont know what you want me to say" came the quiet reply

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