Chapter 12

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Her head was pounding. All she heard was the ringing in her ears, her eyelids felt like a hundred pounds, pain was shooting through her whole body. The ringing just kept getting louder. Her stomach was burning as if it was on fire.

She lifted her shaking hand and gently felt around her abdomen, feeling a warm liquid and brought her hand up to her face to finds blood smeared all over her hand. With all the strength the brunette had, she sat up, her lip clenching between her teeth trying not to scream from the pain. She glanced around to figure out where she was.

The Humvee was blown up, it's parts were scattered everywhere then her heart dropped into her stomach, suddenly her pain was gone and was replaced by panic. Her friends were no where to be seen. The explosion was so strong it had thrown her out of the humvee or what's left of it.

She slowly got up off the ground and limped towards the destroyed vehicle, she clutched her abdomen so she could stop the blood from pouring out, she heard groaning so the brunette limped toward the sound.

She peaked her head over a part of the debris from the humvee and saw Avery Miller on the ground coughing up blood, and his whole right arm had burn marks up it. She began to approach him but then she heard gun fire so she quickly ducked down. Hoping that they hadn't seen her.

She peaked her head back out again and saw about ten men with guns coming their way. Her whole team was down. And it was one against ten.

"Emily wake up!" A voice shouted while hands were cupping her cheeks

Emily's eyes shot open, she gasped for air not able to catch a decent breath, her memory taking over at what started off as a peaceful slumber. Her eyes frantically dotted around the room trying to figure out where she was, just how she had done when she woke up after the Humvee was blown up.

"heyheyhey are you ok Em?" Alison spoke fast trying to get Emily to reach her eyes

Emily sat up and wiped the sweat that was clinging to her forehead with Alison's hands still cupping her cheeks. Once Emily's breathing went back to normal she leaned into Alison's hand, kissing her palm.

"I'm fine, dont worry Ali"

"Are yo-"

"Yes I'm fine it was just a nightmare, well acually more like a memory" She explained to the blonde, who was kneeling infront of her cupping her cheeks with concern and worry swirling deep within her light blue eyes.

"I'm ok, I promise" she assured "Lets go back to sleep" Emily laid down and patted the spot next to her. Alison nodded and slipped down beside her instantly pressing her back against Emily's front wanting silently asking the brunette to spoon her. Emily, once again moved closer to the blonde, Alison reached back, grabbing Emilys arm wrapping it around her, whimpering as soon as it was tightly secured around her.

Emily kissed the Alison's blonde curls breathing in her scent, hoping to fall into a dreamless sleep.


Alison awoke first which was strange since Emily was always the one who woke up first. She woke up in the same position that she fell asleep in. So she turned around facing Emily. Emily looked so peaceful when she slept, Alison reached her hand out and lightly traced Emily's strong jawline then down to her arm, where she was surprised to find black ink etched in her skin. Alison assumed that it was some type of Army symbol with her last name in the middle of it. Alison traced the lines of the tattoo, she had never been a tattoo kind of girl, probably because of her mother, but seeing it on Emily made her body tingle because of how sexy it was.

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