Chapter 3

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April 7, 1998


Alison woke up with sore red eyes and a a headache from crying all night. She threw the blankets off her body and grabbed a sweatshirt and a pair of jeans and got dressed so she could go the brew.

Alison quietly opened her bedroom door so she wouldn't have to face her mother. Once the coast was clear she ran out of her room and down the stairs to the front door.

The blonde ran out of the house and walked down the street to the Brew where she spent most of her high school days studying. Once she opened the door to the brew she was instantly slapped in the face with the strong smell of coffee.

The blonde walked over to the barista and ordered.

"Hi can I please have a hot coffee, three sugars, half the cup with milk?" she told the barista.

The Barista handed her the coffee and Alison paid the barista, then turned around a bit to fast and bumping into a strong body causing her to spill her hot chocolate.

"Oh my God I'm so sorry!" Alison said really fast before dropping to the ground and trying to wipe up the spilled beverage with her sleeve. As Alison attempted to clean it up her eyes blurred with tears for some reason.

"I'm s-so-sorry, I'm such a m-mess" the blonde stuttered still not looking at the person who she knocked into.

"Hey, its ok" The person bent down next to her and lightly grabbed her arm stopping her seeing that the blonde was getting worked up "Its ok."

Alison sniffed and wiped her tears with her clean sleeve before picking up her head and looking at the person she bumped into. She was met with warm brown eyes that she could never forget. Except she wasn't using her crutches, she just had a knee brace on.

Emily was surprised to see it was Alison, but hid it well.

"Here hold on, let me get some paper towels" The brunette said softly before standing up, wincing because the slight pain that lingered in her torso. After getting the paper towels she crouched next to Alison again and began cleaning up the mess. Alison just sat on the ground her head down attempting to conceal her tears.

Once Emily was done with the mess, she stood up and offered her hand to Alison who was still on the ground. Alison placed her hand in Emily's and felt a spark as their hands touched. Emilys hand was so soft and her touch was comforting.

Emily pulled her up to her feet but Alison still would reach her eyes.

"Im really sorry about your jacket, I can give you money to replace it" Alison spoke fast as she dug through her purse trying to find money

She was stopped when she felt a hand on her arm.

"That wont be necessary Alison" The brunette replied softly "I needed a new jacket anyway" She brushed it off

Alisons heart fluttered at the softness of the womens voice. No Alison, stop you cont feel this way she scolded herself.

Alison still hadn't said anything to her so Emily cleared her throat before speaking

"May I buy you another drink?" Emily asked

Alison finally looked up with Emily looking her own eyes with choclate brown ones

"No its ok yo-" The blonde waved off but emily interupted her

"Please?" She playfully asked again flashing her smile causing her dimples to show.

Alison playfully rolled her eyes and tried to hide the smile on her face this women was so adorable "Fine" The blonde caved. There was something about Emilys eyes that you just couldn't say no too.

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