Chapter 35

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Emily was in shock. They crying emotional phase had come and gone. She was going through a whirlwind of emotions. She couldnt move, breath, speak, nothing she couldnt do anything. She had been in the same position for the last thirty minutes.

Holding her brothers limp hand, staring down at his now lifeless body. There was blood all over her uniform. It was a mixture of hers and Ashton's. She didnt know how she hadnt passed out by know, because of the blood loss from her own gun shoot wound to the left shoulder.

She refused to believe that this happened, that Ashton really died. All she wants to do is wake up from this horrible night mare, but she cant. Because this wasnt a dream, or nightmare, this with cold hard reality. And she couldnt escape it.

She didnt even notice someone screaming her name, until that said person violently shook her shoulder. "Fields what the fuck are you doing! the Humvees are here! lets go"

The person turned around to leave thinking that the other women would fallow her, but when she realized there was no one behind them, she turned back around to find Emily in the same position. She ran back over. "Fields what the hel-"

Emily heard the women behind her gasp. She knew it had to be Robbins.

Robbins was stunned, a few tears gathered in her eyes at the sight of Ashton. She couldnt loose control now though, she had to get Emily to safety. "Emily we have to go now!"

Emily slowly shook her head, not letting go of her brothers hand "I'm not leaving him" she spoke in an emotionless voice that scared Arizona.

"Yes you are! Alison will kill me if I dont get you home!" she tried to joke, but Emily didnt even crack a smile.

"He's de-" She couldnt finish her sentence. She blacked out and all she could see was darkness.


Staring out the window of the airplane Emily felt nothing. Empty, thats what she felt. She should be excited, she got to go home to her family, while other men and women had to stay out and fight, forced away from there's. The brunette got a free ride home, with a small bullet wound in her left shoulder.

Except to Emily, she didnt get a free ride. The brunette got to go home without her best friend, her brother, her twin brother. He was gone. They were supposed to grow old together, and be the best aunts and uncles to each others kids. But now that wouldnt happen, Ashton wasnt there anymore.

The seat next to her was supposed to be occupied by him, they were supposed to talk about how they couldnt wait to be home. But the seat was empty. And so was Emily.

The brunette managed to get honorably discharged from the army. She would finally have to get a civilian job. She and Ashton had dreamed of this day, they planned on joining the FBI, or something that had to do with the police force, since they already had ten years of experience in the military, they were almost guaranteed a spot. But that dream was crushed. Not all dreams come true.

As the plane hit the ground in Rosewood national airport, Emily knew she had to be strong for her family. Even if that meant putting on a fake smile, she had be there for them. She couldnt let it falter. She knew Alison would be able to sniff her lies from a mile a away, but she had to try, and try hard.

The plane came to a stop, and she stood up and threw her bag over her shoulder. Just as she was about to walk out of the terminal, she took a deep breath and swallowed the lump in her throat. Emily knew that when she walked out Alison would be waiting for her, and she willed herself not to break down once in her wife's arms. The closer she got, the more anxious she became, because knowing that she was so close to the blonde, she wanted nothing more then to engulf her into a much needed strong embrace.

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