Chapter 18

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It's been four weeks since Alison told Emily that she was moving back in with her parents, and Emily hasn't heard from her since just as she predicted. The brunette had even tried calling her multiple times, only to be sent to voice mail. She had Ashton but he had been hanging out with one of her coworkers, her name is Hanna. He usually comes home and just rambles on about her for hours. So essentially she's alone most of the time.

Since Emily hadnt heard from Alison yet, she assumes their relation ship or what ever they had was now over. It was nine pm on a Friday, and she found herself wondering into the bar down the street from her apartment. She knew her and Ali were over because, last week a three men dressed in uniforms showed up at her door to retrieve the blondes stuff. Alison herself couldn't even face her. Emily didnt know what happen or what she did to not even deserve an explanation. She was royally pissed off.

She walked into the bar and sat down on the nearest stool. She was always terrified she would end up with her mothers drinking problem, but in the end, she did. Emily had nothing else to loose, so she signaled the bar tender over.

The bartender walked cheerfully over to her, he was young presumably her age, he had dark brown hair and hazel eyes. "Hiya! what can I get for you?"

"Bourbon whiskey please"

He nodded and began making her drink "Rough day?" he asked, handing her the glass

Emily nodded "More like a rough couple weeks"


Many hours later, Emily was still sat at the bar in her same spot. Completely wasted, the bartender, known as Brian, would no longer serve her drinks, seeing the state that she was in.

"Hey is there anyone I can call to come get you?" Brian asked

Emily's glazed over eyes stared at him thinking about what he said "You....could c-call Ali" she suggested but then shook her head with a laugh "But I dont...want her help" she snapped

"Ok..." He spoke thinking of a solution "Is there anyone else other then Ali?"

"Oh!" Emily exclaimed in drunken excitement "You c-could call brother" She burped digging her phone out of her pocket and handing it to Brian.

The man had a lot of patience, because then he asked Emily for Ashton's number which took a lot for her to remember in her drunken state, but somehow she did. After Ashton agreed to come and get her, she waited on the stool on the verge of falling asleep.

Ashton barged through the door, his concerned eyes landing on his twin sister. He knew that Alison's leaving had effected her more then she was letting on, and he felt bad for letting her get to this point. He was her brother, he was supposed to take care of Emily, and yet he hadn't.

He walked over to the brunette and placed his hand on her back. Emily perked up at seeing him "Ash! Th-this is my brother" she giggled for no reason. Ashton carefully helped her stand up nodding a silent thank you to Brian to which he did the same in reply.

As they were walking home, or more like Ashton was dragging her, when that wasn't working he picked her up bridal style. Out of no where Emily started busting out laughing.

"What's so funny?" he questioned

"I just noticed" she hiccupped "You look just like me" she giggled

Ashton chuckled, beside that hurt he felt for his sister "I would think so Em, we're twins" he spoke amusement clear in his voice.

"What no way! That's so cool" She exclaimed goofily

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