Extra chapter

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Present time

"Ali the kids are coming home soon"

Alison ignored her wife's protest and backed her up into the nearest wall. Trapping the taller women with her body. She leaned in and ghosted her lips up the brunettes neck, just enough to have her begging for more.

The hairs on Emily's neck stood up at the slightest of touch. Her spine tingled in anticipation for what to come next. She slowly felt her resolve breaking the longer her wife worked her magic hitting all her sweet spots.

Alison presses her body fully into Emily's fit one and smashed their lips together in a bruising kiss. The blonde then slipped her hand stealthy into the front of her wife's shirt seeing that she had distracted her enough with the teasing. The hand snuck up and grasped a brad clothed breast, squeezing ever so slightly.

Emily moaned involuntary, her back arching off the wall pushing herself more into the blondes body, effectively creating more friction as her thigh somehow had made its way between her wife's thighs.

"They'll be here any mi-"

"Shhh" Alison quickly cut her off with a finger to her lip silencing her. The blonde continued her path across her wife's strong jawline then across her collarbone. Leaving a trail of sloppy kisses behind it. Soon shirts came off and they had now made it to the couch, with Alison laying on top of her wife.

They had gotten so lost in the lust that they hadn't even heard the door open.

"Ahh! Gross!"

The married couple quickly jumped apart turning their attention to the intruding voice.

Jamie was standing at the front door with a guilty and embarrassed expression on his face. He had his military duffel bag over his shoulder and was wearing his uniform proudly just like Ashton had. Jamie looked a lot like her brother.

"Ya know I expected a much warmer welcome"

Emily opened her mouth to say something as Alison quickly pulled the blanket over them, but another voice was heard. Noah walked in the door also his face lit up with a goofy smile that soon turned sour once his gaze landed on his parents.

"Oh come on not again"

Alison blushed hiding her face in Emily's side.

"Children ou-"

"Moms I'm ho-" Rowan exclaimed then stopped short once seeing her brothers expressions, she followed their line of sight and rolled her eyes. "Seriously?!"

"Oh come on you guys are acting like teenagers who never heard of sex before!" Alison exclaimed while Emily was laughing hysterically at the whole situation.

Jamie shook his head and held back a laugh as he watched his mom laugh freely at what was happening

"Eww Mom gross! Stop talking about sex with me" Rowan yelled back sounding like a child

Soon Alison and Rowan began bickering back and forth while Emily still laid on the couch shirtless with only the blanket covering her and tears rolling down her face from laughing so hard.

"Ok, OK! That's enough" The brunette yelled causing her daughter and wife to stop yelling at each other. Emily glared at he children and pointed to the door.

"Try knocking next time" She sent them all a tight lipped smile "Now all of you out while your mother and I get dressed"

The kids did as they were told but not without saying a few wise ass remarks as they left the room.

Once they were gone Emily gave her wife a knowing look.

"What?" Alison asked as innocently as possible.

"I tried to tell you but you didn't listen babe" Emily chuckled, standing from the couch and pulling her shirt from the floor before throwing it over her head.

Alison stood up and quickly molded the front of her body to Emily's back and snuck her hands up the back of her wife's shirt grazing her hands over the scars littered all over her body.

"You are insatiable today" Emily let out a breathless chuckle

Alison giggled against a tanned neck, letting her body go limp making her wife hold all her weight.

"It's just so hard keeping my hands off you when I know I have this hot army soldier all to myself" Alison mocked being upset.

Emily laughed and pried her wife's hands away from her body. "Baby we've been married twenty years now, I've been yours for a long time"

Alison pouted "That doesn't mean I still don't find you absolutely irresistible" she batted her eyelashes.

Emily playfully rolled her eyes "Awe look at you being all charming, you're stealing my mojo"

Alison threw her head back and laughed at that. Before glancing over her shoulder and calling the kids back in the room.

"Alright now that everybody is decent and hopefully has washed their hands?" Noah raised an eyebrow at his parents. When reviving nods from both he continued "its time for a family hug"

Jamie bear hugged both his moms and the twins soon did the same.

"I missed you guys" Alison sighed kissing all their head even though they were all taller than her.

Jamie walked over to Emily and gave her a much longer hug. The brunette pulled back and beamed at her son with pride, fixing the collar of his military fatigues.

"You look just like him" Emily murmured with a sad smile.


Alison rubbed her wife's arm in sitting motion.

"My brother Ashton"

Jamie flashed his best smile which he had inherited from both Emily and Ashton. "So I'm guessing he was pretty good lookin then?"

Emily scoffed and rolled her eyes playfully shoving her youngest son.

"Yes he definitely was considering he was your mother's twin" Alison answered grinning over at her wife.

Jamie scrunched his face up "Gosh mom, we were having a nice conversation but then you had to make it weird" he scoffed before walking away. Leaving his blonde mother in a fit of laughter.

Emily shook her head with a smile then threw her arm across her wife's shoulders bringing her closer. She kissed the top of blonde curls.

"Ya know, even though you're getting kinda old you're still pretty hot" the blonde poked her wife's stomach playfully

Emily's jaw dropped and she scoffed "I would not go there if I were you, because you are the older one here"

Alison glared at her wife causing her brunette to smirk in return

"If you can't handle jokes then don't make them"

Alison pouted slightly

"Besides" Emily shrugged standing in front of the blonde "If I were old I wouldn't be able to do this" she quickly crouched down and threw Ali over her shoulder. Alison squealed in surprise and began to laugh uncontrollably as Emily ran up the stairs with her in her arms. Ignoring the confused looks on their kids faces.

I really missed writing for these characters so I decided to just randomly do this lmao

I hope you all enjoyed 😂

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