Chapter 8

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"Emily!" Alison ran through the door landing her eyes on Emily who was sitting at the table eating cereal.

The brunette dropped the spoon that was in her hand turning her attention to the excited blonde.

"Guess who got a new job?" She said in a sing like voice.

Emily smiled "Who?" She played along

"This girl!" She exclaimed while shaking her hips and whipping her hair with her adorable dimples popping.

"Emily shook her head at the cute blonde "Your such a dork" she joked

Alison just smiled and plopped down on the seat beside to Emily.

"When do you start?" Asked Emily as she resumed eating her cereal.

"Umm tomorrow at 8:00 am" she answered and pulled an envelope out of her back pocket and handed it to Emily "Oh! The mail man told me to give this to you"

Emily dropped her spoon again and took the envelope out of the blondes hand. It was addressed to her. Her heart rate sped up, in hopes it take from her brother.

Alison watched as the brunette carefully opened the letter and took the paper out beginning to read it.

Dear Fields,

I was finally released from the hospital in Texas. I have no idea where Avery is, he left just after you did. Hunter already went back to work, and I still haven't heard anything about Ashton. I'm about to board a plane to Seattle, because I'm going to see Callie. She asked me to do I'm going to respect her wishes. I hope your doing alright Fields, I look forward to seeing you at the ceremony in a couple months. I would really like to hear from you, so please write me back.


Emily re read the letter about 3 times before putting it down and letting out a long sigh. There was still no word on her brother and she was trying really hard not to lose hope.

She glanced over at Alison to find the blonde staring at her. "Who's it from?" She asked quietly

Emily took a deep breath, debating if she should tell Ali or not.

"It's from my friend that I met in the Army" Emily said after a long pause. "She was just filling me in on how everyone was doing"

"Ohh, what's her name?" Alison asked piqued with interest.

"Arizona Robbins" Emily breathed. She got up bringing her now empty cereal bowl with her and cleaning it in the sink "Shes been my closest friend besides my br-" she stopped her self not wanting to talk about him at the moment "Yeah she's been my friend since basic training"

Alison wanted to know who Emily was talking about before she cut herself off but decided to just let it be for now.

"Was she deployed with you?" Alison hesitantly asked

Emily nodded "Yes, she was in my unit along with a bunch of other people. Her and I both went to South Carolina for basic, then we went Fort Sam Houston for our Advanced individual training to become combat medics." She finished

"Ahh I see" Alison added in understanding

"Yeah she's actually hilarious!" Emily chuckled "This one time, we had to run this crazy amount of distance right, and she freaking slept with one of the Drill Sergeants and got out of it!" Emily laughed

Alison had a look of disbelief written on her face. "No way" she shook her head

"Oh yes she did! If you met her you would never think she was even capable of breaking the rules, but boy was I wrong" She continued to laugh "I guess that saying Dont judge a book by it's cover really does a apply"

Ali laughed along with the brunette. Not just because of the funny story, it was because Emily's laugh was so contagious. Alison was so amazing seeing the brunette open up to her about stuff.

"Yeah" her laughing came to a stop "She's probably my best friend, along with one other person"

"Will I ever get to meet her?" Alison asked quietly, afraid of the answer

Emily stopped what she was doing and looked over at the blonde "She's actually in Seattle right now, but maybe sometime"

Alison nodded.

"Anyways, what would you say if I was to walk you to work tomorrow?" Emily leaned against the counter and folder her arms as she smirked

Alison blushed under Emily's gaze "I would love for you to walk me to work"

"Great, now speaking of work I actually have to go now" She looked at the clock before running to her room and dressing in her uniform. After getting dressed she walked back into the kitchen grabbing her keys she turned to the blonde who was seated at the kitchen table watching her

"How about I pick you up at work, and we go out for dinner or something?" She asked. Alison could hear the nervousness in her voice.

"That would be great Em" she answered

Emily flashed her smile at her one last time before closing the door behind her.

Alison sat at the table just thinking about Emily. How beautiful she was, how respectful and kind she was, or how her eyes held so much warmth and safety. She felt like she belonged when she was with Emily. She always felt butterflies when Emily smiled at her and did kind things for her. Even if it was just holding the door for her. She might not know a lot about the women but she really wanted to.

Alison also felt fear when thinking about how everyone would think of her, or how people would judge her. And her family, they would find out and take her away from Emily, she wouldnt be able to handle that. Her mother mignt not be in the front of the picture at the moment, but she'll always be lingering in the background.


I am super excited that Calzona got their endgame so i really wanted to put Arizona in this fanfic. It's still going to be an Emison centered on though, so dont worry :)

Thank you for reading!


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