Chapter 19

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Emily woke up the next morning with a pounding head ache. Somehow she was in her bed. She either drunkenly stumbled in there, or Ashton carried her. Which ever one it was, she didnt really care. But what she did care about was the stupid invitation. Last night after she got the envelope, she needed something stronger, so she inevitably walked to the bar, and drunkenly rambled to Brian. He just stood their the whole time listening to her.

She walked out of her room and found Ashton lounging on the couch

"Good morning princess"

She rolled her eyes and plopped down next to him. She watched as he leant over the arm of the couch. He then turned back to face Emily and handed her a bottle of water and some Tylenol. She shoot him a tired smile. "You're the best" after taking the pill she leant her head on his shoulder.

"You should go to the dinner" He spoke

"How do you know about that?"

Ashton pointed his finger to the invitation that was no longer crumbled up.

"Ah" Emily said in realization

"You should go" he repeats

"I know" Emily nods

It was now five 'o' clock and Emily had to find something to where. The invitation did say formal, but Emily didnt own any dresses or formal clothes. So the next best thing was her Army dress blues uniform. So she pulled it out of her closet. Once the uniform was on Emily pulled her hair up into a tight military bun that's required when wearing the uniform. She looked in the mirror to make sure nothing on her suit jacket was out of place. She was wearing her class A uniform.

She straightened her jacket one more time before leaving. In the Army she was told to always be early, not right  on time or late, you always have to be early.


Meanwhile Alison, was getting ready as well, she had managed to convince her mother to let her dress herself, which she was extreamly happy about. Alison really wanted to impress Emily, because the blonde knew she had some serious making up to do.

So she found the dress that her and Emily bought in the first couple weeks they met, it was the dress she wanted to wear to the wedding. Alison knew that the brunette loved that dress. She then briefly wondered what Emily would be wearing since, she had never seen Emily in a dress, or anything formal at all.

Once she was all don getting ready she went down stairs and checked the clock. The time read five forty. Emily was supposed to come soon, and Alison grew more nervous as the time grew closer to six 'o' clock.

The door bell rang and Alison's heart stopped. She knew it had to be Emily because the brunette was always early. She was going to open he door but Jessica beat her to it. The elder DiLaurentis opened the door with a smile. Emily hesitantly gave her one back.

"Good evening Emily" She greeted and Alison heard Emily politely greet her back. Jessica then stepped aside revealing Emily to Alison.

Alison's jaw dropped seeing the brunette's attire. Before she thought Emily looked hot in her camo suit, but seeing her in the dress suit makes her even sexier. Her last name was pinned to the front of it, with various pins and her rank on the arm of her sleeve. Her suit jacket was navy blue, with matching pants. Overall, she looked amazing, Alison thought. When their eyes locked for the first time in weeks the world stopped.

Despite how upset she was with Alison, Emily moved towards the blonde girl. The brunette noticed that Alison was wearing the dress they picked out together, she looked stunning in it. Emily leant in and pecked the girls cheek before quickly pulling back. She softly smiled. "You look beautiful"

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