Chapter 4

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April 26, 1998

Alison walked down the street making her way towards The Brew, where she knew the one person that has constantly been on her mind would be .Ever since the blonde met Emily she had started writing in her diary again. Every morning for the past couple weeks, Alison would go to the brew, and see Emily perched on the window seat sipping her hot chocolate with a book in hand. The book she held looked old, more so like an old journal. She no longer had the brace on her knee as well. So every morning before she starts her day, Alison would go to the Brew, order her coffee, then sit next to Emily.She didnt talk very much, but that was ok with Alison, sometimes it was good not to talk.

Alison entered The Brew and glanced over to the spot where Emily always sat. When the blonde saw the brunette cozily sat on the window seat her face full of concentration, as she flips through the pages of the journal. There was something about Emily that just drew her towards the women. Emily was extremely polite and respectful, and was quiet, she only really talked when she was spoken to.

Alison ordered her usual coffee and shuffled over towards Emily as she had done for the past for the past couple weeks. She sat on the space in front of Emily and looked at her waiting for Emily the glance up from her book.

Emily felt the seat dip so she looked up from her book and saw beautiful ocean blue eyes staring back at her. A smile crawled on to her face as she saw Alison. She placed the string in her book so she wouldn't lose her place then placed it in her lap.

"Hi Emily" Alison sheepishly said when she caught the brunettes strong gaze. Emily greeted her back then sipped her hot chocolate.

"Don't you think its a little warm for a hot chocolate?' Alison wondered, meaning to ask her that question.

"I don't like coffee, so I drink this instead" she explained softly

"Oh" Alison gave the brunette an understanding nod "What book are you reading?" She asked her seeing there was no title on the front.

Emily picked up the book and ran her hand on the front of it, before taking a breath "It's my Dad's journal, he wrote it a long....time ago" she drawled out

"That's so cool" Alison peaked out with interest

"Yeah?" Emily raised her eyebrow in waiting for a further explanation

"Yes, I love old writing like that, I want to publish my own book someday" The blonde said with conviction

"Really?" Emily asked, wanting the blonde to continue. Alison got the hint so she excitedly started talking.

"Yeah!" The blonde pulled her feet up onto the seat getting comfortable. "I have always wanted to publish a book. I actually have written one, but I haven't had the guts to do anything about it yet" She smiled sadly

Upon seeing Alison's face drop Emily spoke up "Well, why don't you just try, and if it turns out bad, then you either go to someone else or try harder until they like it"

Alison sad smile turned into a happy one, because for once someone was listening to her and talking to her like a normal person, and it felt good.

"Yeah I guess your right" She relented causing Emily to smile

They both sat in a comfortable silence just sipping their drinking the drinks and watching the Rosewood traffic. Once Alison was done with her coffee she got up to throw it away but a hand on her wrist stopped her. The contact shot sparks through her arm. Alison looked back at Emily, with a questioning look on her face.

Emily lightly pulled the empty cup out of her hand and stood up "I got it" is all she said as she picked up her own coffee cup and made her way over to the trash. After throwing them away she wiped her hands on her jeans and walked back over to Alison. Alison sat in shock no one had ever been this nice to her before.

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