Chapter 5

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May 3, 1998

"I don't want to go to this wedding at all" Alison pouted into the phone.

"I know you don't" Emily felt bad, her and Alison have gotten closer these pass weeks. "Just keep your head up and try not to let anyone bother you ok?"

"I'll try" the blonde stayed weakly.

"Alright well, I have to go but call me if you need anything ok?"

Alison's heart fluttered at the sincerity in Emily's voice. "Ok"

Emily muttered a goodbye and hung up the phone. Alison sighed and placed her phone on her desk. She dreaded having to go to Spencer's wedding. She thought Spencer had thought of them as best friends until she found out about the maid of honor thing. She was really only friends with Spencer because their moms are friends. So that means her mother and brother were going to be at the wedding as well.

She closed her eyes and took a deep preparing herself for her mother to call her down so that her mothers glam squad could dress her up. Because her mother, of course, didn't like the dress she picked out.

The blonde really wished that Emily could be here to calm her down or make her feel better, for some reason being with Emily always did.

Just a she suspected almost a minute later her mothers voice screamed from down stairs demanding she come and get ready.

Alison stood up from her desk and forced herself to do what her mother asked.


Alison stared at the reflection of herself in the mirror. She had on a floor length gold dress that hugged body so uncomfortably tight. Her mother had them tighten her corset to the point where she could barley breath. The make up on her face made her look fake and all she wanted to do was scrub it off. This wasn't her. If Alison had it her way she would of wore the simple dress she had picked out with Emily and called it a day. But she had to look perfect. Her mother strived for perfection.

Alison walked out of the room she was in only to be greeted by her mother.

"See Alison, that dress is much better then the one you picked out" Jessica said raking her eyes over Alison's figure.

Alison nodded, not bothering to say anything. Soon her mother got bored and turned her attention to Jason as walked up next to her.

An hour later they were making their way into the church where Aria and Jason would be getting married. Alison glanced around the church to find everyone dressed up in the most elegant dress where imaginable. Alison could only imagine how much all their out fits coasts hers included.

The Montgomery and DiLaurentis family's were filthy rich. While Her father owned a very expansive jewelry company, Mr and Mrs. Montgomery were very well know lawyers.

Alison never wanted to get stuck working for her fathers Hotels, she just wouldn't be happy. Jason on the other hand loves it, when their father retires the company would get passed down to him.

The wedding was boring, to Alison at least. It just reminded her how lonely she actually was. Then she began to think about Emily, and her extremely warm brown eyes you could get lost in, or how her smile made Alison's stomach erupt into butterflies. The blondes heart sped up just thinking about the brunette women so she willed it to calm down and focus on the two people getting married.

After what felt like hours, the ceremony was finally over and now it was time for the worst part. Having to go to the after party and sit with her family for hours and listen to constant criticism. Even though it's been years she couldn't get used to it. No matter what they said about her it still hurt her to the core. Alison was positive she had a long night of crying ahead of her.

"Alison when are you going to come work for the family business with me?" Jason asked as he slid into the seat next to his older sister.

Alison resisted the urge to roll her eyes "How many times do I have to tell you that I'm not going to work for Dads company, ever" Alison stressed

"I think your being really stupid Alison"

Alison sighed dramatically "Yeah well, good thing I don't give a shit what you think"

Jason scoffed before standing up and walking away. Jason was the only person Alison felt she had power over, seeing as he is indeed her younger brother. But that power is really just in her head.

The blonde also stood from her seat and walked towards the bar, but was stopped by a hand on her shoulder.

"Alison I want you to meet someone" Alison turned around and was face to face with her mother. She inwardly cringed.

Before the blonde could ask Jessica had waved over a tall man. His dark hair was gelled back, his grey eyes looked her up and down making Alison extremely uncomfortable.

"This is Mathew, he is a friend of Jason's " The man just smirked at her.

"I want you to get to know him, he's a great guy" Jessica perked up, Alison shook her head and murmured something under her breath, seeing what her mother was trying to do.

"You have got to be kidding me" Alison sneered

Jessica glared at her daughter before playing dumb "What's the matter Alison?"

"I already told you to stop trying to set me up with men!" Her mother does this at every event they go to.

"Alison you need to settle down with a man at some point" she stated firmly

"I don't want to mom, you already know what I want" Alison snapped back, her voice cracking ever so slightly.

The man's and Jessica's eyes bulged out of their heads.

"Lower your voice Alison!" Her mother sneered getting in Alison's face.

"No! Why can't you just accept me for who I am for once in my life" Alison cried making everyone's attention turn to her.

"Alison, you are embarrassing me! Keep your damn voice down"

"Not until you tell me why you hate me so much" the blondes voice cracked.

Jessica just stared at her daughter "Being attracted to females isn't right Alison, it's not normal. You are not normal"

Silence took over the room. As everyone tried to absorb what had just said.

The mother and daughter continued staring at each other. Silent tears streamed down Alison's face, no one knew when this was going to end.

"Leave Alison" is all Jessica said

Alison ran out of there, once she was out of everyone's view she began to break down. Sobs racked her entire body, tears spilled from her blue eyes endlessly. She didn't want to stay at her mothers house but she had no where else to go.

The blonde called for a taxi and got inside giving the driver directions to her house. The tears had yet to stop, her mother had just completely embarrassed her in front of her whole family.

Once she was was home, if she could even call it that. The blonde rushed up to her room and ripped off her dress not caring that she tore it as she roughly took it off. She couldn't get the corset off no matter how she tried so she went to the bathroom and scrubbed of her make-up so hard she was almost crying from the pain, but didn't dare to stop until all of it was gone

After it was all off she tried so hard to get the corset off but nothing worked, her sad tears were now mixed with frustrated ones. She let out a scream of anger and fell to the ground in sheer exhaustion. Sobbing as hard as she could, not able to stop herself. All her bottled up emotions were exploding out of her. She was having a full blown tantrum. Soon she could barely breath, because her sobs were so heavy.

Not knowing what to do, she grabbed her phone and dialed the number she found her self dialing a lot these past weeks. After three rings a soft voice picked up.

"Hey how's it going?"

With all the strength she had left she willed herself to speak.

"P-please help me"

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