Chapter 32

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"I'm pregnant!"

At hearing that, Emily dropped her bags in shock. Her eyes widened as she covered her mouth. The brunette stared at her wife who had the biggest smile on her face waving the positive pregnancy test excitedly.

Months ago, when they first started trying, Alison was told that she was infertile. Which meant the blonde couldnt produce her own eggs. After receiving the news, Alison didnt want to have kids at all, because of how depressed she became. So Emily looked into many different options, anything to make her wife happy at that point.

So the final outcome, was that they extracted eggs from Emily herself, then used a sperm donor that looked exactly like Alison, and implanted the eggs into the blonde. The first several attempts didnt work. At every negative pregnancy test, Alison got worse. She just wanted to quit. But then Emily convinced her one last time, and it worked.

"You better not be joking Alison" Emily spoke just above a whisper, not believing the words coming from her wife's mouth.

"I'm not baby" Alison cried , tearing of joy freely falling down her face "We're going to be parents!"

Emily's face broke into a huge smile, she ran over to Alison pulling the blonde into her body and lifting her off the ground. Alison embraced her back just as tight, maybe even tighter. She smiled happily into her wife's neck.

After their emotional embrace, Emily placed Alison back onto the ground. She then dropped to her knees and kissed all over Alison's stomach. "I can't believe there's a baby in there!"

Alison laughed through her tears loving how excided her wife was. She pulled Emily back to her feet before pulling her into a much needed kiss. She pulled back and smiled whole heartedly.

"I love you so, so much"

Emily hugged her wife on last time, then rested her hands on Alison's tummy "I love you too, we're going to be great parents.



"Oh my god! I can't believe my babies are already two years old" Alison squealed. She wiped out her camera and began taking picture after picture. She snapped her fingers trying to get the toddlers attention.

Emily laughed as she watched her wife. She loved when Alison went into full mom mode. After her laughter died down, she smiled at her two beautiful children. They really were a mixture between herself in Alison. When she and Alison had been told that they were having twins, they were terrified. They didnt realize the possibilities of having twins because Emily was one. But the brunette wouldnt change a thing, she loved her children and wife more than anything in this world. She couldnt imagine her life without them.

"Noah smile for mommy!" Alison jeered. The small boy just smiled goofily at his mother. Alison then snapped one last picture before putting her camera down. Noah would definitely be a heartbreaker when he was older. He had Emily's dark hair, fairly tan skin tone. Gorgeous dark blue eyes, and deep dimples in his cheeks when he smiled. "Mommy out" He reached his hands out wanting to be lifted from his high hair.

Alison walked over to him and pulled him into her arms. She kissed all over his face he giggled trying to push her face away "No mommy! No more kisses!"

"But I just love you so much my baby boy!" Alison responded in a baby voice. After kissing him a few more times, she then placed him on his feet, and he waddled away towards his new gifts he received.

"Me out too mama" Rowan looked at her brunette mother, holding her arms out as well, so she could go play with her brother. Emily placed her soda down on the table and walked over to her daughter. She copied her wife's earlier actions and pulled Rowan from her seat in her high chair, and into her arms. Rowan was gorgeous as well. She and Noah didnt look exactly alike though. They most definitely had their fair share of differences.

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