Chapter 11

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Emily's heart dropped into the pit of her stomach. Was this real, is she really hearing this or is it all a dream

"What?" she whispered not sure she heard that right

"Em they found him" Hunter said, she could practically hear the smile in his voice "They just brought him in to the VA in Fort Sam"

Emily jumped out of her seat on the couch and fled to her computer in order to buy a plane ticket. Alison watched as Emil frantically ran around the room with the phone clutched to her ear. She hear part of the conversation when she first picked up. Who is him? Alison wondered as she heard the man on the other end of the line, because Emily was sitting so close to her on the couch.

She also stood from the couch and followed Emily

"I'm buying a ticket right now!" She yelled into the phone trying to find the first flight to Texas

"Emily he doesn't want you to see him like th-"

"I dont give a crap what he wants!" Emily snapped, there was no way she wasn't going to see him "I need to see him"

She then hung up the phone and all that was heard was the sound of typing as Emily frantically looked for flights. She got frustrated and slammed the mouse causing it to shatter.

Startled by her sudden behavior Alison gently walked up behind the shaking brunette "What's wrong Em? who was the guy on the phone talking about?" she asked softly not wanting to be in the dark for what's happening at the moment and wanting to help Emily in any way she could.

Emily stood up from the chair and began pacing, she was clenching her knuckled so hard she was sure her nails broke skin.

"My bother" She gritted out "My twin brother Ashton, they found him. I need to go to see him he's in Texas right now"

Alison was in shock. Emily had a twin brother, he was missing? and apparently he was just found. What the hell is going on right now?

"Ali I need to go, I need to go see him" She panicked her chest was rising up and down heavily, her breathing was scattered. Alison stepped forward and gently covered Emily's clenched hand with her own, attempting to calm her.

"Alright just breath Em" She soothed  "breath"

Emily closed her eyes taking slow deep breaths as she listened to Alison's soft calming voice. The rolls were now reversed, it was now Alison's turn to take care of Emily.

Once her breathing was finally back to somewhat normal, Emily opened her eyes and found Alison's beautiful blue eyes staring back at her.

"I need to get to the Texas Alison, it's my brother, he probably needs me right now and I'm not there" She stressed, she walked into her bedroom and gathered her clothes into her camo army back pack. Once that was done she glanced over at Alison, who had been watching her from the door.

"Will you come with me?" she asked nervously

Alison was stunned. She didnt think in a million years that Emily would ask her that "Really? You want me to come?" she too, was now nervous, they were sharing a very intimate moment that, showed the trust they now shared between one another.

"Please" Emily whispered trying not to sound to helpless and vulnerable. She hated feeling like she needed somebody.


Trying to book a flight at eleven-thirty at night was a lot harder then Alison thought, and Emily wasn't making it any easier. They eventually found one that was available, but the plane didn't take off until midnight.

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