Chapter 14

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"Ashton get out!" Emily pounded erratically on the bathroom door "I need to shower for work, and Ali needs to do her hair"

"Can you calm down and take that stick out of your ass for once!?" He shouted from inside the bathroom continuing to take his time not bothering to listen to his sister.

"Come on! some of us have jobs" Emily pounded on the door harder than last time waiting until she heard the shower turn off. Suddenly Alison's door swung open, followed by and angry looking Alison. She was dressed in her uniform she had to wear for her small barista job at the Brew. Her hair was all frizzy, she was definitely harboring some serious bedhead.

"Emily!" She shouted stalking closer to the brunette who she yearns to call her girlfriend "My shift starts in twenty minutes, and look at my hair!" She frantically waved her arms around her eyebrows furrowing in anger "And my make up and ALL of my hair products are in the bathroom!"

Emily was now even more irritated now that Alison was "I know Ali" she spoke calmly then turned to the door and pounded again "HURRY UP"

Emily had just got back from her morning run and was all sweaty. She had to get to work in the next fifteen minutes, there was no way she was walking into work without taking a shower.

"No!" he answered defiantly still taking his sweet time

Alison narrowed her eyes "I need to do my hair Emily! he needs to get out"

"I know, I know I'm trying" she spoke fast trying to calm her down, which was not working. After ten minutes of knocking on the door, screaming at her brother and listening to Alison, Emily quickly glanced towards the clock on the wall seeing that she was going to be inevitably going to be late "Screw it" she mumbled running hurriedly ran to her room.

Seeing this Alison frantically called out to her "What!? Where the hell are you going!"

Emily ignored Alison and ripped her shirt off her body and dropped her tight running shorts down her legs, letting them pool around her ankles before stepping out of them. Leaving her in black panties and a black sports bra. Right as she was about to take of the bra she heard the shower turn off and the bathroom door open. So she raced out of her room, only to be greeted with a smirking Ashton with a towel wrapped around his waste.

"It's all yours princess" then walked off

Still in her bra and panties, Emily grabbed a towel from the hall closet before pushing the bathroom door open only to find Alison curling her hair hurriedly as she frantically glanced at her watch, making sure she knew her time zone. Alison jumped at Emily's sudden appearance, her jaw dropped as she raked her eyes at the brunettes attire through the mirror forgetting her current task.

Noticing this Emily smirked locking eyes with the blondes as she waited for the water to get warm "Dont burn your hair" She reminded before slamming the bathroom door shut, freeing her body from the rest of her clothes and stepping in the shower.

Alison was so fazed by Emily's toned body she forgot that she was curling her hair. Thankfully she caught it just before it started to burn, because if she didnt, then this morning would turn even more into a shit show. In the shower Emily speedily washed her hair and body, trying to beat time.

Meanwhile Alison was applying her make-up hopping that it didnt turn out too bad. The shower turned off followed by Emily's voice

"Ali can you hand me my towel please?" Alison blindly reached for Emily's towel while using her other hand to apply mascara, when her hand found it she threw it over the shower curtain hoping that Emily would catch it.

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