Chapter 43

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10 years later

Present time

Life. No one knows what tomorrow could bring. It's a complete mystery. It could all end in the blink of an eye, yet all began in one breath. You could be miserable one minute and be extremely happy the next. You never know who can just walk into your life and completely change everything. It could be the way their smile brightens up a room. The way they look at you like your the only person on the planet, or even the way they hold the door open for you. You try to protect yourself, close yourself off, but you just can't resist the person, it's just to hard. Once you let yourself just feel and completely let go, then you might just end up being the happiest damn person in the universe. ~Alison Fields

Looking at the book, reading word by word. Studding the feelings and the pain coming of the page. And the pride shooting through her own veins as she held it in her hands. It took a lot of courage, and strength to do something with this book. The book she had been working on since the day she met the love of her life. The best day, if you'd ask her.

Reading for what felt like the thousandth time, knowing every word, letter, quote and phrase in that book. It was her own, she was so proud to get to call it that. It seemed like all those years flew by within seconds. Time really does go by fast when you're having fun. Hours seem like minutes, and minutes seem like seconds. And then before she knew it, she's twenty seven years in the future. All the kids moved out of nest, it's over. That part of her life was done. It was time to start a new chapter.

So thats what she did, she finally published her book, and she never felt happier. Right now she was sitting in a hotel in New York waiting to leave for Jamie's basic training graduation. Yup Jamie decided to follow the Fields tradition and join the army, Alison was scared at first but she knew she couldnt stop him anyways.

The whole family was getting together for it. Noah ended up tearing his knew so he could no longer play, so he went to law school instead. And became one heck of a lawyer. On the other hand Rowan wanted to go to med school, so she worked her ass off and got excepted into Havard Med. She couldnt have been more proud. Recently Noah had got married and they were expecting their first child. Jamie had a fiancé he had met in the army, and Rowan was more focused on school rather then relationships.

Alison continued to read the book, it was now getting to her least favorite part, the part that made her heart physically ache in remembrance.

"Ya know if you keep staring at the book, you might actually bore holes into it" Came a playful voice

Alison looked up from the book and her eyes met familiar pools of brown, and a charming smile that still to this day made her melt. She smiled brightly seeing Emily leaning against the door frame, her arms crossed against her chest and a grin adorning her features.

"I know, but I just can't believe it actually got picked up" The blonde gushed turning right back to her book. Emily sauntered over to her wife and placed her hands on both her shoulders, standing directly I front of her.

"I can, because you are incredibly, incredibly talented" Emily smiled leaning down to capture her lips into a soft kiss. "Did I mention amazing?" she raised a brow

Alison smiled "Mmm I dont think so" she pretended to ponder

Emily chuckled lightly "Well you are amazing" she emphasized

A lot had happened after the car crash all those years ago. After Emily flatlined the doctors, by a miracle brought her back. They said the reason she did flatline was because they had missed some thing during surgery. The recovery process was hard.

"You ready to go soon, Noah's going to pick us up in ten"

Alison closed the book and looked at the title 'What Ever It Takes" she smiled. The book was about her and Emily's love story and life together, people loved it even more knowing that it is a true story.

"Yeah babe. I'm right behind you"


"Woohoo party time now!" Jamie exclaimed as they walked into the party area. He had graduated from basic and Alison cried through the entire thing while Emily had a sense of pride for her son.

Emily escorted Alison into the hall, and brought them to their seats. After they dinned and talked the dj started playing music. Alison dragged Emily onto the dance floor much like their first time all those years ago. They danced and danced, like no time had passed. Like they were still those lost kids who needed someone to love them. Little did they know that twenty seven years later they would be here. With three grown kids and now an old married couple.

Emily gently let go of Alison's hand an walked over to the dj and whispered something into his ear, he nodded then smiled. Emily sauntered back over to her wife with a huge smile.

The blonde raised and eyebrow "What did you do?" she asked softly a playful hint in her undertone.

Emily just shrugged and waited for the music to come on. When it did, Alison's heart just about melted. The brunette cleared her throat and gently kissed the back of Alison's hand.

"May I have this dance Mrs. Fields?"

Trying to get lost in memories Alison nodded silently and wrapped her arms around the love of her life's neck, resting their foreheads together listening to their song.

"Can you believe that all the kids are gone now?" Alison spoke just above a whisper

Emily took Ali's hand before spinning her around and then bringing he back into her body. "No. Its crazy how much time has passed"

"It's our new chapter" Emily added her eyes full of love and compassion

"And there's no one I'd rather spend it with"

She couldn't have asked for a better life. The blonde wouldn't change a thing. Through the years Emily had always looked at her like She was the only girl in the world. Even when she was mad, she still held doors open for her. Together they made three beautiful children. she taught her how to not only love other people, but love herself as well. Even after all these years, when Emily smiled at her she still got butterflies. Ali wouldn't be able to live without her, breath without her, nothing. The kids are all grown up now, its crazy how time works. She have this amazing journey that she gets to spend with her partner, wife, and best friend, and now its just beginning. They closed one chapter, but are now opening the next. She couldn't have asked for a better life.

And she owes it all to Emily


Woah holy shit, this story means so much to me, and I'm so happy that I got to share it with you guys. I had so much fun writing this book, I even cried whole writing some of the chapters. I want to say a huge thank you for everyone who has taken the time to read and enjoy this book. I couldnt have done it without you guys support an comments.

Thank you all so much for reading the final chapter


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