New story!!!

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Sooooo I know I said months ago that I wouldn't be writing any more Emison....BUT now that I'm stuck in my house with nothing to do, I've gotten some inspiration back, and I've hopped back into being obsessed with PLL. Why? I have no idea.

With that said, I've started writing a new story, I'm ten chapters ahead right now, so I hope that gives me enough time to think about the rest and not get bored of it (like I've done with previous stories)

So here is the summary and title

Keep Running
Fresh out of college, Alison DiLaurentis struggles with her ice cold exterior and her dreams of becoming a known journalist. It doesn't make matters any easier when her childhood friend, Emily Fields mysteriously returns home to Rosewood around the same time as herself, throwing her life yet another curve ball.

I hope you all will be interested, it's a little different from my other stories. And who doesn't like a good Emison story? Lol.'ll be up either later today or within the next couple days. I miss you guys! Stay tuned :)

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