Chapter 10

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It has been a week since Emily and Alison shared their first kiss in the middle of the dance floor at 'Mixers' and it has been bothering Alison ever since. Emily still hasn't said anything, and it was really beginning to irritate the blonde. Emily was such a complex person, once you break down one wall, another one builds itself right back up in the same damn spot.

Alison was laying in her bed, writing in her diary. Emily was at work at the moment so she was alone. The apartment was quiet, all that was heard was the sound of the blonde's pencil as it dances across her diary page.

Time went by as she continued to write, and before she knew it the front door opened followed by Emily announcing her presence.

Emily placed her keys on the counter and scanned the perimeter for any trace of the blonde. Not seeing her anywhere, so she walked down the hall to found Alison's door closed, so she knocked lightly.

A faint 'come in' was heard from the inside, so Emily turned the handle letting herself in the blonde girls room. She walked over and sat on the edge of the bed.

"What are you writing?" She asked softly

Alison dropped her pencil, and closed her book. She sat up in bed looking at the beautiful brunette in front of her "Nothing"

"Oh okay" Seeing that Alison wasn't in the mood for talking she stood from the bed and moved towards the door, just before opening it she turned around to look at the blonde sitting on the bed "Are you mad at me? You seem mad" she nervously blurted out

Alison sat on her bed and crossed her arms over her chest scowling at the brunette

"No, I'm not mad"

"But you look kinda mad right now" Emily stuttered out

"Why would I be mad Emily?" Alison questioned, wanting the brunette to figure it out by herself

Emily swallowed thickly, she wasn't afraid of many things, but having Alison stare her down like this was scaring the crap out of her.


"You should know why I'm mad!" Alison's voice cut her off "You have basically been trying to avoid talking to me for the past week, even though we live in the same apartment!" Alison said her voice raising.


"No! dont get all sentimental and...and! flash your stupid puppy dog eyes to make me feel better Emily Fields!" Emily's face began to twitch as she tried to hold back a smile, at Alison's little temper tantrum.

"last week when we went to the bar I had a great time, I have never had a night of fun like that in my life Em, and it was because of you" Her voice softened as tears pooled in her eyes her gaze never leaving Emily's

"Even in the short time we've known each other, you're the only person in my life who has treated me like an actual human being and not a piece of trash" the blonde's voice was ;aced with vulnerability and it broke Emily's heart to watch her in so much pain.

Alison was terrified of telling Emily this in fear of rejection or that the brunette didnt feel the same way as her. She always had that type of fear that she would grow attached too soon and scare the taller girl off.

Emily continued to stare at her in silence her big brown eyes full of confusion on what to say or do.

"I like you!" She blurted out "I like you a lot, and I liked our kiss a lot as well! and I...I want you!" She chocked out tears now clouding her vision. Alison aggressively wiped the tears from her eyes before stuttering out

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