Chapter 2

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Disappointment, It's amazing how quickly your mood can change, how deep your heart can sink and how much one person can affect you. Never expect things to happen it's better to feel surprised than to feel disappointed. Life wont always be fair remember that. ~Alison Fields

April 6, 1998


After watching Emily crutch away, Alison let out a deep breath she didn't know she was holding. Because now she had to go see her parents, and was not looking forward to their judgement.

The blonde caught a cab after stepping out of the air port and gave the driver directions to her parents house. During her cab ride to her child hood home, Alison couldnt stop thinking about her family was going to say to her, because of her early trip back home. Time seemed to go by really fast, because the next time she looked up they were parked in front of her parents house.

Before stepping out of the cap Alison took a deep breath, paid the driver then opened the door exiting the car. Alison grabbed her bags from the back and shuffled her way towards her large child hood home. She reached a hand and knocked on the door just twice. After wating for about thirty seconds she heard foot steps on the other side of the door followed by her mother swinging the door open with a condesending smile plastered on her face.

"Hello mother" Alison said with confidence

"Its nice to see you Alison dear" She exclaimed as she pulled the younger blonde in for a hug. Alison awkwardly patted her mothers back not wanting to be in the embrace at all.

Jessica DiLaurentis pulls back from the embrace, locking eyes with her daughter "Alison honey did you gain weight? It sure looks like it" she asked

Alison's eyes dropped to the ground in shame as all the confidence leaks from her body at her mothers remark.

"Anyways, are you here becasue your job could no longer pay the bills or something" She sighs "I told you to come work for the family business but you didnt listen to me" Alison wanted to be a writer but her family had always told her she was wasting her time with it.

Alison wanted to say something but nothing came out her mother opened her mouth to say something else but a voice was heard from behind her.

"Hey what's up sis" Jason cheerfully said as he made his way towards the two women. Jessica moved out of the way to let her daughter in. Alison looked up to see her younger brother. His dirty blonde hair was styled back, he had on a dark blue polo shirt that was tucked into his kaki pants.

"Hi Jason" Alison said in a small voice feeling extreamly intimidated by her family. Her brother gave her a curt smile then left the room. Alison heard a grunt that caused her to pear over her mothers shoulder only to see her father completely ignoring her presence as he walked to his office with a glass of scotch in his hand.

Alison rolled her eyes then attempted to walk pass her mother so she could just go up to her old bedroom and sleep but the older DiLaurentis grabbed her arm causing her to stop her movements.

"How long will you be staying dear?"

Its not like the blonde wanted to stay there but she had no where else to go, she had no money, and had just finished collage so she could no longer stay in her dorm room, Not that she wanted to. Ali turnd aroud coming face to face with her mother "Just until I can get a job and buy my own place" she mumbled

"You should really just come and work for the business with your brother sweetheart, hes doing such a good job" Her mother gushed as she talked about her not so subtle favorite child

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