Chapter 21

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Emily and Alison walked into their apartment happier then they have ever been before. Emily was finally relived that Alison was back home with her, and safe. She yelled out her brothers name to see if her was there. She got no response.

As she was taking off her shoes, suddenly hands on her chest pushed her back into the door. Before Emily could even think soft plum lips attacked her own. She instantly reciprocated the kiss, running her hands up and down Alison's body. Alison pushed her body closer to Emilys, causing the brunettes thigh to fall between her legs. Alison moaned at the unfamiliar sensation.

It had never came up in a conversation but Alison had never had sex before with anyone. So she was determined to make Emily her first, she wanted it to be her. She wanted Emily to touch her.

Alison took Emily's hair out of the tight bun it was in so she could run her hands through the dark tresses, she was completely infatuated with Emilys hair. It was so soft and she loved running her hands through it.

Emily slid her hands up the front of Alison's dress lightly scratching her nails over her stomach, eliciting whimpers to fall from Alison's lips. Alison ran her tongue over Emily's lip asking for entrance. The brunette instantly granted her entrance, Alison explored Emily's mouth, as soon as she let her. The kiss went on for minutes, until Emily felt Alison tug at the bottom of her shirt, she registered what was happening and pulled away.

Alison groaned at the loss of contact "What? is something wrong?"

Emily shook her head her hand remaining on the blondes lower back "No it's're really upset right now..." Emily paused, thinking before she continued "I don't want to take advantage of you"

Alison didnt even know her heart could swell so much, this women infront of her was one of the most amazing people she had ever met in her life. The blonde thought people like this only existed in books and movies, but she was wrong. Here was Emily, the women who just saved her from jumping, the women who had just defended her to her family, and the women who professed her love to her. She never thought that someone could love her, she never thought that this would happen to her, but it did, and she couldnt be happier. Alison trusted Emily more then anyone, she wanted to give herself to her, she wanted the brunette to be her first, and hopefully her only.

"I want you" she stated strongly cupping the brunettes cheeks

"Bu-" Emily tried to protest

"You wouldnt be taking advantage of me Em, I want this" she gestured between the two of them "I want you, ok?"

Caving in, Emily leaned forward planting a kiss on Alison's lips "okay" she whispered into her lips

Alison nodded crashing her lips eagerly into Emilys. Nothing mattered but the dance of their lips, losing their selves to the kiss. Suddenly the overwhelming feeling of being loved become too much for her and tears began falling down her face, but she made no move to stop this.

Tasting the saltiness of Alison's tears on her lips, Emily pulled back looking at the girl with concern. Before she could say anything, the blonde had gripped the back of her neck smashing their lips together once again.

"Ali..." Emily spoke against the girls plump lips

"Em...please" Alison said between kisses "Make love to me"

Emily lost it at hearing the blondes words, she tightened her grip around Alison's thighs, and lifted her off the ground. Alison squeaked in surprise. She loved when Emily carried her. Instantly wrapping her legs around her waste and her arms around her neck. The brunette continued kissing the blonde, as she carried her effortlessly into her bedroom, kicking the door shut behind them.

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