Chapter 16

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The rain was now coming down hard. Both girl's clothes were soaked from head to toe and they still had ways to go until they got back home.

"Ali come on! run faster" Emily shouted through the rain letting out a giggle at the situation they had got themselves into.

"Why are you laughing!" Alison shouted back her grip on Emily's hand tightening "This is a no laughing matter Emily Fields! My hair is ruined!"

Alison's shrieks just made Emily laugh harder, slowing her running down. The rain pouring buckets over them. Emily was about to speak but then several booms of thunder cut her off. Alison watched as Emily's eyes fly open and panic flash through them. Emily pushed away from Alison and covered her ears as she slouched her body as if she was protecting herself.

"What the hell is that?!" She shrieked her breathing erratic as her mind flashed back to the time she was in Afghanistan. "Make it stop! Make it stop!" She yelled frantically falling to the ground in a huff. Alison's eyes flew open in shock. Both of them completely forgetting about the rain, Alison quickly sprinted over to the shaking brunette falling to her knees infront of her.

"Em-" Alison reached out her hand to comfort the brunette but then another boom of thunder roared shaking the ground. Causing Emily to violently flinch away from Alison's touch.

"Dont touch me!" Emily, said curling up into almost a ball as she continued to press her hands to her ears "Make the bombs stop!" She pleaded, Alison ducked her head trying to meet Emily's eyes. Emily's eyes were shut firmly, not a single tear had fallen.

"Emily they aren't bombs!" Alison said, wiping the tears from her eyes. She was helpless in helping Emily. "It's just thunder, you're ok nothings happening"

Alison painfully waited the next few minutes sobbing infront of the shaking Emily, lost at what to do to help the brunette. So she hesitantly reached her hands out softly placing them on Emily's which were still clasped around her ears. Alison let out a sigh of relief, seeing as that Emily didnt flinch away this time. "Em it's just me" She cooed "You're safe it's Alison, please open your eyes"

Emily listen to Alison's soft voice, as it drowned out the memories in her head. She silently willed the women to keep talking. "Please, it's just me, you're not out there anymore" Alison pleaded once more her grasp on Emily's wrists now tightening.

Emily continued listening to her voice, her breathing soon slowing down and returning to normal, her body's shakes calming down, and her hands slowing fall from their previous spot on her ears. She unclenched her eyes, opening them slightly to find a concerned yet distraught looking Alison gazing down on her.

The saltiness from the rain leaving a bitter taste on her lips, she glanced up at Alison with hooded eyes. Alison's hands slid up to her face cupping her cheeks leaning her forehead against her own. Emily raised her hand, fingers curling over Alison's right one, pressing their conjoint hands more into her cheek, wanting all the comfort she could get. Neither of them caring that they were crouching on the cold hard ground as rain continued to pour over them soaking them to the max.

Their eyes closed tight getting lost in each other

"I'm right here" Alison reassured feeling Emily's breath against her lips. She leant in planting a gentle yet demanding kiss on the brunettes soft but firm lips. Letting their lips linger there for the time being. Seeing as that Emily was now calmed down, she gently puled away eliciting a whimper from Emily at the lost of contact. She stood up slowly, never breaking their gaze, with her and Emily's hands still intertwined.

"Come on" She urged softly "Let's go home" she copied Emily's words from their night at 'Mixers'. Emily nodded, and complied slowly standing up from the fetal position she had put herself in unintentionally. Her gaze never leaving the blonde's and their hands not breaking apart. They were sharing a very intimate moment, Emily was showing her real vulnerable side to Alison for the first time. They both knew it, and Alison wasn't going to ruin it. She was glad Emily's was letting her see this part of herself. It meant that she was beginning to really trust Alison, and care for her.

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