Chapter 26

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It was a cool fall day, Emily and Alison were huddled up in bed happy to have a day off from work. Ever since Emily had showed Alison the house, she had been working non-stop. She wanted to begin looking for a new full time job, but she knew she couldnt at the moment. Emily was still singed with the army for another seven years, they owned her. She could get called out for duty at any time of day. It never used to be scary, she loved her job. The rush she got, everything about it, but now she had Alison to think about. She was scared to leave the blonde.

Most of her days were spent working, building the house, and waiting to get the phone call. Emily had yet to tell Alison though, she was afraid of what would happen if she did. She could just be over reacting, but she never knew when it came to the army.

Glancing over at Alison, she smiled at the beautiful girl. The blonde was laying on her stomach, clothed in pajama shorts and a t-shirt. All thoughts were pushed aside as she watched her girlfriend concentrate on what she was writing. Right now, she had to focus on Alison, and the present, not what is going to happen in the future. She had to focus on the now.

Alison could feel Emily's eyes on her. She bit her lip to conceal the smile that wanted to crawl on to her face. The blonde continued to write, putting everything into every word she wrote. Her writing was everything to her. It helped get her through her childhood, all the mean kids at school, her family. It was an escape. It was like she was in her own universe when she was writing. She controlled everything, it felt good to be in control.

"Whatcha writing?" Emily asked interested, seeing the intense look on Alison's face.

"Nothing" she shot back quickly, partly covering her notebook. This one was special, she would not show her girlfriend the story until she was done. Judging by the fact that their relationship was still kind of in its early stages, the story wouldn't be done for a long time.

"It's obviously something, you've been writing in that thing for the past hour" Emily protested playfully. She really wanted to read some of Alison's writing's, she knows its her girlfriends passion, and she would love to be apart of it.

"I can't show you this one" Alison closed her notebook shut, and sent Emily an apologizing look.

Emily gave Alison her best puppy dog look. Although it melted the blonde's heart, she wasnt going to give in that easily. She petted her girlfriend's head and smirked before sitting up beside her. "Nice try cutie, but the look's not gonna work this time"

Emily pouted "Come on baby, you can't show me any of them?" the brunette asked in a hopeful tone "You know I'll love them"

Alison thought for a moment, pondering Emily's words. Like she said before, she did have a full story already written but she was to afraid to let anyone read it. It definitely isn't her favorite one, but its up there, and she's extreamly proud of it. Alison glanced to where she had stored it, debating on what to do. Right as she was about to get up and get it, a wave of insecurities hit her, so she decided against it.

Alison shook her head as soon as her eyes met Emily's dark brown one's. The brunette sighed in defeat.

"Sooo it seems that someone's birthday is in a couple days?" Alison teased and playfully poked Emilys stomach, steering the conversation away from her writing.

Emily shrugged "Ashton and I dont really celebrate our birthday" It was true, the last time they even had cake for their birthday was when they turned eight, and that was twelve years ago. "There's no point, it's just like any other day of the week"

Alison's mouth opened in shock, she didnt know Emily felt this way, although it was understandable "Come on Em! you're going to be twenty-two!" Alison said enthusiastically trying to cheer her girlfriend up. "Its just another step closer to thirty" the blonde smirked.

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