Chapter 7

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"I am going to fucking die" Emily wiped the sweat from her forehead glancing over at her brother hearing him snicker.

"Oh stop being a girl Em" He grinned wickedly causing Emily to roll her eyes.

"Ashton stop acting all tuff and shit we both know that your hiding the fact that you want to pass out right now"

Both Ashton and Emily were laid out on the ground drinking out of their water tins.

"Of corse I feel like shit right now we just ran 10 miles"

"Yeah and we will probably ran like 15 more in 20 minutes" Emily scoffed sarcasm laced in her voice.

"Damn baby Fields all you do is complain" A perky voice was heard from behind them.

The twins both turned to look behind them and saw a short blonde grinning as she walked closer to them.

"What's up Robbins!" Ashton yelled causing the women to laugh, Emily just smiled and nodded at her.

"Did you really get out of running that shit!" Ashton asked her.

The blonde plopped down with a huff in the middle of the twins.

"Yup" She popped her "p" with a smug smile on her face.

"And how exactly did you do that?" Emily asked with interest

"Can you guys keep a secret?" She asked quietly

"Yes" both Emily and Ashton answered at the same time.

"I slept with Drill Sergeant Torres" she giggled

Emily and Ashton's mouth fell open "No you fucking didn't" Ashton asked with disbelief

Arizona nodded vigorously "Oh yes I did" she said in a song-like voice.

Emily erupted into a fit of giggles while Ashton sat still shock still evident on his face.

"Your a fucking legend!" Ashton exclaimed high giving Arizona, who had a proud smile on her face.

They all laughed until Torres came over and yelled at them "What the hell are you 3 sitting around for!"

Emily and Ashton's smiles slipped off their face until Arizona opened her mouth.

"We're sorry Drill Sergeant, we'll get back to running now" She said in a husky voice causing the women to blush a bit.
Torres nodded before walking away.

Arizona motioned for the both of them to stand up, a smug smile still etched in her features.

"Your crazy Z" Emily said patting the women's shoulder

"Oh I know"

May 8, 1998

Emily ran vigorously around Rosewood. Sweat dripping down her face, breathing erratic. Her legs pumping fast. It's like she was trying to run away from her memories, except she couldn't, she would always be stuck with them. Although the particular one she just thought of wasn't
bad it doesn't mean that there aren't other ones she would rather not think of.

It made her miss her brother and her friends. Her first years in the Army were unforgettable. It ruined her in ways no one could understand, but she also benefited from it as well. The army gave her a family. Something she has always wanted and yearned for. The Army gave her friends that's she would most likely have for life. Take Arizona Robbins for example, her and Emily have been close since then beginning of bootcamp and still keep in touch.

Then there's Avery Miller. He's a big goof ball, and the funniest person she's ever met.

Lastly there's Hunter Chapman. He's a couple years older then the other three and some ranks higher  as well, but he still was apart of their little group anyway.

Emily missed them so much. But she would never admit it because that's just how stubborn she actually was. The one person she would admit to missing is Ashton. And she has a right to seeing as that she has absolutely no idea where he is right now or dare she say if he's even alive. So far she has been keeping it together pretty well. Since Alison has been staying with her she has been distracting her, which is a very good thing.

Emily had grown close to the blonde and definitely felt a strong connection between the two. Like they were meant to be in each other's lives.

Emily glanced at her wrist watch and saw that it was close to 1 pm. So she turned in the direction to her and Alison's apartment and jogged there. The brunette had promised Alison she would go to her job interview with her, and she had no intention of breaking the promise.

Once she went up the elevator and turned her keys in the door opening it she walked inside closing the door. She saw the blonde resting comfortably on the couch reading a book already dressed.

Alison closed her book and glanced back at Emily trying to hold in a gasp at seeing her. The brunette was wearing a skin tight tank top, very short running shorts and her hair was sleeked back into a pony tail. And what made her even hotter was the way her skin glimmered because of her sweat.

Alison forced her self to stop staring at the brunette and glanced up at Her face to find Emily's eyebrow raised and a playful smile on her lips.

"See something you like?" She asked the blonde

Alison blushed damnit of course she caught me she thought

"Ew you wish" she scoffed turning her attention to her book so the brunette wouldn't catch her smile.

"Mmm" Emily jumped crossing her arms over her chest. She then cleared her throat " I just need to take a shower, then we'll go ok?"

"Alright" Alison answered still not picking her head up from her staring position at her book.

Emily snagged a towel from the hall closet went into the bathroom and closed the door behind her.

Emily walked out of the bathroom dressed in dark jeans, and tight tank top and a red flannel shirt. Her hair was blow dried and let down in soft waves. Which was the first time Alison had seen Emily with her hair down and she looked a amazing.

Alison closed her book before rounding the couch to stand in front of the tall brunette.

"You ready to go?" She asked. Emily nodded and gestures for Alison to lead the way.

"Alison calm down, you need to stop freaking out" Emily stressed as the left the brew

"Yeah but what if they think I was weird. Or, or that I don't fit their requirements!" She frantically waved her hands all over the place. Emily moved infringement of the panicked blonde and caught her flailing hands.

"Alison" she softly said making Alison's movements come to a stop. "Stop freaking out. I'm sure you did great"

Emily's relaxed voice seemed to calm the blonde down, because her breathing was back to normal and she was no longer flailing her arms. "Ok" she whispered

Emily nodded, gently letting Alison's hands go and tugging on her arm to follow her out of the coffee shop.

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