Chapter 31

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Im not sure how gay marriage worked back then. So please bare with me, its only fanfiction :)


Today was the day. The big anticipated day, that everyone talks about. The nerves, the excitement, the love, she was feeling it all. She couldnt believe that she was marrying the love of her life today. The only person who could always make her smile, the person who helped her be the women she was today. It was really happening, and she couldnt believe it.

Looking in the mirror, she thought she looked pretty good. Beautiful even. That was definitely a first. It felt good to finally be able to love herself. It really did. And she couldnt help but silently thank Emily for this incredible feeling, she never thought she would be able to experience it in her life time. It was amazing. As much as she hated Pam, Emily's mother, she could help but thank her as well, for giving her the brunette. Who has done nothing but bring light into her once dark life.

Yup today was the day that everyone women gushes over. Every man thrives for. This was it. In the next hour she would be walking down the isle and officially become a Fields. She will get to marry her soulmate, her one true love. Her everything.

The smile had yet fall off her face. The giddiness had not yet left her body, and she didnt think it ever would when she was around Emily. It was unbelievably insane how one person could make her feel this way.

As she starred in the mirror at herself. She couldnt help but smile proudly at herself.

Because the big day was here.

And she was more than ready.


"Today is the big day baby sis!"

Ashton stood infront of her and fixed her uniform, Making sure every, pin was in place, and every wrinkle was nonexistent The brunette's nerves were all over the place. Not because she had cold feet, it was quite the opposite really. She couldn't believe that she was acually getting married in an hour. To the most amazing women to ever walk this earth.

"I cannot believe that you're getting married before me" Her brother exclaimed and smiled goofily at her. Both of them were in matching uniforms. Emily's was just a bit more fancier, seeing that it was her married not him.

"Why would you think you would get married before me?" she wondered trying to focus on something else to calm her nerves.

Ashton smirked slightly "Because I'm older then you" He smugly replied "By two minutes"

Emily scoffed and pushed him away "You're so annoying"

Her brother just smiled in response. He stepped back and looked her up and down. "Lookin good sis" his expression then turned serious. "Seriously though, I cant fucking believe you're getting married, like where did the time go"

Emily silently agreed with him. This was acually happening she way going to marry the love of her life in an hour. She had never been this happy before. "I have no idea, it feels like the past is now distant memories. Just like dad" she mumbled the last part quietly.

"You know dad's always with you Em" He stated confidently before lightly grabbing at the pendant that hung loosely around her neck. He kissed it gently then let go of it "He's always here"

Emily nodded and kissed the pendant as well copying her brothers actions. The she stuffed it underneath her whit dress shirt.

"This is your day Em, the first day of the rest of your life"

Emily hugged her brother tightly "Thank you"

He pulled back and starred into her identical eyes "For what?"

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