Chapter 33

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Emily was scared. Really scared. She didn't know what to do or how to act. How was this happening now. She was at the happiest stage in her life at the moment. She had a gorgeous, amazing wife who loved her more then anything. And two beautiful children that she wouldn't trade for anything. Her family was her world she couldn't leave them.

Not now, Alison needed her, she didn't want to leave the blonde all by her lonesome with the kids. She couldn't imagine not being able to go home every day after work and be fretted by her wonderful family, she couldn't. It was the best part of her day.

The brunette couldn't even depend on Ashton to help out, because he was going with her. There was no avoiding this, this was happening and it was happening soon.

How a she supposed to tell Alison. The blonde would be heartbroken. Emily wouldn't be able to handle the sullen look on her wife's beautiful face. How was she supposed to leave her kids? They may only be two but they would still understand that their other mama wasn't there. But she had tell to them, because no matter what the outcome was inevitable.

She had to go back.

It had been years since they sent her out. Emily had thought that she was in the clear. She thought that it was over, but it wasn't.

Before she had a family, she wasn't scared to die. The brunette knew what she was doing and was willing to sacrifice her life for the men and women standing beside her in battle and for this country. She was ready to die. Her life had been sucky ever since she could remember. It wasn't that she wanted to die, she was just preparing herself for that outcome.

Emily wasn't scared then. But she was scared now. She didn't want to die, she didn't want to leave her wife and kids. She didn't want anything to happen to her brother again, since he would be standing beside her along with the rest of her squad.

The brunette had told Alison that she wouldn't have to go back. Her commanding officer had told her that as well, but the times have changed and they needed her. Her squad was high up. They were known around the military community, especially Emily. Since she was one of the youngest to earn the distinguished service cross. People trusted her to keep them safe as their squad leader.

Even if she wanted to leave, or refuse the command, she couldn't. Because they owned her. And there was nothing she could do until her contract was up.

This was her reality, and she had to deal with it. There was no escaping it.

Leaving work, in shock Emily walked over to her car and sat in the drivers seat. She grasped the wheel and dropped her head into in.

Suddenly a spark of anger and sadness shot through her body. She repeatedly hit the staring wheel with her fists. She continued until her fists were bright red and bruised.

"This isn't fair" Emily gritted her teeth. Her breathing was heavy, tears were stinging in her eyes, on the verge of falling any minute. She threw her head back against the headrest and closed her eyes attempting to compose herself before starting the car.

After her couple attempts at calming down she turned the key and turned on the engine, then pulled out of the parking lot of her work building.

The whole way home Emily was thinking how she was supposed to break the news to her wife. Her heart rate sped up as she drove closer to the house she and Alison had been living in for years.

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