Chapter 24

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3 weeks later

"Ali I don't mean to rush you, but can you please pick up the paste, we're going to be late!" Emily shouted from the door.

They were all getting ready (including Ashton) to go to they're Army ceremony. It's kind of like an awards ceremony.  Basically everyone goes to it and they recognize the fallen soldiers, or the soldiers who did they're job well and deserve an award.

Ashton and Emily were both dressed in their class A dress blue uniform. It was required, everyone else who was military personal would be wearing their uniforms as well.

The ceremony held place in Boston Massachusetts so they had about a six hour car ride a head of them, so they really couldn't waste anytime because it was tonight.

"Okay! Jeez Emily stop rushing me!" Alison screeched from the bathroom. Emily huffed and rolled her eyes, she hated being late. Alison came stomping out of the bathroom "Always in a fucking rush" she mumbled under her breath.

Emily chose to let that go "Ready to go princess?" Emily asked sweetly as she took Alison's hand in her own and lightly kissed her knuckles "You look stunning as usual"

Alison blushed and leaned up to peck her girlfriends lips lightly "As do you, I love when you wear your uniform"

"Well thank you gorgeous" Emily smiled and opened the door for Alison "Anyways let's go, Ashton is waiting in the car for us"

They had finally saved up money, with Ashton's help and bought a car. It wasn't easy sharing it with three people, but something was better then nothing.

They were three hours into their car ride. Ashton was driving, alone in the front. While Emily and Alison were sat comfortably in the back. With Alison leaning her whole body Against Emily's as she looked at the window, watching as the cars drove by.

"You know Em, I heard some talk saying that you might get an award tonight" Ashton slyly spoke from the front seat, his eyes not leaving the road.

Emily shook her head staring out the window as well "It's just talk Ash, doesn't mean it's true" modesty clear in her voice.

"I'm pretty sure it's not just rumors baby sis" He said in a playful tone, then his face fell into a proud smile "You deserve it"

Ashton had heard all the stories of what his sister did out there, even though he wasn't there. He heard how she saved her commanding officer and two members of her team. He heard all of it, and he couldn't be more proud.

"What ever you say Ashton" the brunette shrugged it off paying no mind to her brother.
They finally arrived at the place where the ceremony would be held, after almost a six hour car ride.

Alison looped her left arm through Emily's and stayed glued to her side as the walked in. It was a huge room with a stage in the front of it, and a bar off to the side. Alison assumed there had to be over a hundred military personal in there, wearing the same attire as Emily and and Ashton.

As soon as they walked in, the twins were greeted by a variety of people. Alison stayed quiet through all the greetings, unless Emily introduced her, or brought her into the conversation. They continued to walk through the crows of people until they heard a familiar voice.

"Well look who decided to showed up to the party" Hunter smirked upon seeing his friends. He came closer and hugged both Emily and Ashton hello, before turning to Alison and lightly kissing her on the cheek as a respectful greeting "Its good to see the Fields twins back together again" He joked pointing at the twins.

Emily shook her head chuckling lightly along with her brother. "Its good to see you again as well" She replied kindly. "Have you guys heard from Robbi-"

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