Chapter 29

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I loved her more then anything. I never understood how you could love someone as much as I loved her. Before I met her, I didnt believe in love, it made no sense. But my point of view on love changed the second my blue eyes met her brown ones, causing my entire world to stop.~Alison Fields


The following morning Alison woke up to a ray of sunlight shinning in her face, arousing her from her peaceful slumber. After blinking the sleep from her eyes, she smiled softly realizing where she is, and remembering the events that took place last night.

Emily had really proposed to her. It wasnt just some cruel dream. It actually happened, she, Alison DiLaurentis is engaged to the love of her life. The blonde couldn't seem to shake the smile from her face.

Alison rolled over and snuggled closer into her fiancé's side, inhaling her scent that she was shamelessly addicted too. The brunette was completing intoxicating. Everything about her was. Alison loved Emily more then words could describe, and the same goes for the brunette. It was unbelievable just how deep their love for each other actually was.

When Alison felt how sore her back was, it was then that she realized that she and Emily were laying on the middle of their living room floor in their new house. Which has no furniture in it, hence the sleeping on the floor.

After Emily had slid the ring on Alison's finger, the engaged couple spent the entire night losing themselves in each other. As if they were the only two people in the world, and nothing else mattered. It felt good to completely loose yourself in the person you love. At least, thats what Alison felt, and she was sure Emily felt that way also.

As Alison laid her head atop her fiancé's chest, listening to the soft thudding sounds of her heart, she brought her left hand up to her face and admired her ring with a love-struck expression. It was beautiful, Emily definitely did a good job at picking it out.

"That ring is perfect for you" A raspy voice pulled Alison from her thoughts

The blonde smiled at Emily's words, nodding in agreement "It is perfect" She sighed dreamily

Emily softly took Alison's smaller hand in hers "I know this sounds cliché but as soon as I saw it, I knew it was the perfect one for you"

Alison felt like she was on top of the world right now "You're such a romantic Emily Fields" giggled the blonde.

Emily grinned in reply. Never feeling as complete in her a she felt right now with Alison in her arms. The fuzzy warm feeling in her chest was seemingly unavoidable. And she loved every second of it.

The couple sat in comfortable silence until Alison broke it. "Em?"

Emily drew circles on Alison's lower back "Yea baby"

Alison smiled at the term of endearment, but then her expression turned serious "Has it ever occurred to you that in....I dont know, ten years from now we could be celebrating one of our children's birthdays. Like to us right now it's just a normal day. But in the future it could be something else" Alison furrowed her eyebrows trying her best to explain what she was trying to say "You know what I mean?"

Emily whole-heartedly smiled "Yes it has, I didnt know that you put that much thought into it"

Alison shrugged "I think about it all the time, our future" she clarified "You never know what might happen tomorrow"

"I know, but I think we have a good future in-store for us" Emily stated confidently while shimmying her way out from under Alison. As the blonde saw her get up, she reached for her arm and whimpered "Noooo, dont get up I still need my morning cuddles"

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