Chapter 13

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The group eventually found a near by bar and were walking in. Alison followed Emily's lead still a bit shy, because she didnt know anyone but Emily in the group. Once infront of the bar Emily pulled out Alison's chair for her motioning for her to sit down. Alison gladly accepted the offer and sat down.

On Emily's right side sat Ashton, which left Hunter and Arizona to sit next to him.

"Ok drinks on me" Hunter announced asking each person what they liked.

"No thank you" Emily dismissed his offer politely "I'm fine with just a soda"

Alison furrowed her brow, confused to as why Emily wouldnt want a drink. Hunter wasn't having it so he tried again. "Come on Em-"

"She said she doesn't want one, so just leave her alone" Ashton cut in sternly, glaring at the relentless man. 

Emily nodded mutely at her brother, silently thanking him before going back to sipping her soda

Sensing the awkward tension Arizona spoke up "So Emily, are you going to tell us more about the lovely women beside you?" the cheery blonde asked bringing her beer up to her lips.

Alison's face flushed but she remained silent in fear that she might say the wrong thing, and embarrass either herself of Emily.

Emily smiled great fully at the sudden change in topic, she turned her head to Alison and softly placed her hand over the blonde's

"This is Alison, she's been staying with me for the past month and a half" She explained. Then went on to tell the story of how they met. As the night progressed the group of friends continued to catch up, but avoiding the topic of anything military related, or about their deployment. Emily always made sure to some how include Alison in their conversations making sure she didnt feel left out.

Emily finally turned to her brother and asked the question she had been dying to ask all night "How the hell are you ok?" she asked seriously

He brought his scotch up to his lips looking anywhere but Emily's eyes. Alison watched the interaction with interest.

"Why does it matter Em, I'm ok and I'm here" he replies nonchalantly

"That's not an answer Ashton" She says sternly trying to catch her brothers eye but failing

"Ok fine! They found us almost three weeks ago. I wasn't in bad shape, but I also wasn't in the best and I didnt want anyone to see me like that. So I told Hunter first, and then he called you last night which was the night before I was discharged from the hospital."

After Ashton explained in a reluctant tone, the twins sat in silence "So...You have been back for over a week, and didnt tell me" She said her voice rising

"I have been worry about you for two months! I thought you were fucking dead!" She snapped standing up from her chair staring at her brother, rage bubbling deep within her. "You could have just called me, Or...or just an-anything would have been fine!" she shouted drawing attention to herself and Ashton.

Ashton tried to speak but Emily cur him off

"You don't understand Ash, I didnt know where you were!" She threw her hands up exasperatedly her body now filling with rage "We have never in out lives been apart for that long"

She was seething at this point, her hands were clenched and she didnt even know why she was so angry. Alison was slightly shocked, she had never thought that, her sweet kind Emily would ever be capable of being this angry. Then she glanced to Ashton and saw that he hadn't even blinked at his sisters harsh tone, but she did see his face soften just the slightest.This unexpected trip to Texas was helping her learn a lot ore about Emily.

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