Chaper 6

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May 3, 1998

"P-please help me" the voice stuttered out on the other line. Then a bunch of sobs and gasps followed.

Emily's whole body filled with concern for her blonde friend "Hey, Hey Ali calm down" Emily cooed

When Alison didn't calm, Emily slipped on her shoes, threw on her jacket and walked out of her apartment making her way to Alison's house.

"Are you at your house?" Emily asked gently

"Yes" came a barley there whisper

"Ok I'm going to come and get you ok?"

"Ok" Alison replied still sitting on the floor of her room.

Emily hung up the phone, and all but ran in the direction of Alison's house. In this moment Emily didn't care about anything else but getting to Alison.

When she finally made it to Alison's huge house, the door was opened so Emily ran right in. The brunette followed the sound of sobs up the stairs. She heard the sounds from the door at then end of the hallway so she walked into the room to see the most broken sight she had ever seen. Alison was on the floor, her eyes were puffy. Her face was red and splotchy,and had a tight looking corset tied around her. To Emily she had never looked more beautiful.

"Hey" Emily cooed slowly steeping closed to Alison. She crouched down beside the broken girl began untying the corset. After about 3 minutes she had finally got it off and Alison let out a breath of relief. Her chest was still heaving and she faced away from Emily.

So Emily stood up, walked in front of the blonde and crouched down at eye level.

Alison covered her face with her hands "Don't look at me" she cried

"Come on Ali, just move your hands" she said gently in attempt for the girl to listen to her.

"No I look disgusting"

Emily shook her head even though Alison couldn't see. "Ali" she sighed "You always look beautiful"

Alison's heart sped up at the sincerity in the brunettes voice, so she slowly let her hands fall from her face. Emily was staring at her with the kindest eyes she had ever seen.

Emily reached her hand out and tucked a piece of blonde hair behind the women's ear and let her hand caress her cheek "See, gorgeous" she whispered

Alison locked eyes with Emily and saw nothing but honesty in them. When she looked into the brunette's eyes she felt safe, and its weird because she's only known the women for a couple weeks.

"Come on" Emily said as she stood up and holding a hand out for the blonde. Alison looked up at her confused.

"What?" she sniffed

"Your coming with me" She stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Em I-" Ali tried even though she wanted nothing more then to go with Emily.

"Alison you cant say here if they're going to continue to hurt you like this" Emily gestured to the blondes broken body language.

Alison buried her face back into her hands and started crying again "I know"

Alison got up off the floor but fell because her legs were weak. So she asked Emily to gather some of her belongings into a bag. Stuff that she needed, for example her cell phone, inhaler (just incase) and a change of clothes for the following day. Emily put it all in a bag and slung it over her shoulder.

After she changed out of her clothes Emily turned around. The brunette then held her hand out for the blonde to take and she happily took it. Her grip on Emily's arm was loose seeing that she was exhausted from crying earlier.

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