Impossible Doesn't Exist

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"Try it one more time." I begged and didn't let go of her.

"It's no use." Hayley said and held on to me.

"Step one more time or i'll fucking bury you alive, Stark. Trust me, I can kill you." Lance warned.

"Goddamn it! Do you any idea that dealing with this shit is hard?!" She growled.

"So you'd rather not walk and allow Jack Spencer Daley IV to kill your only son than to try once more?" Owens said sarcastically.

"How'd you know that fucking shit?" Hayley asked confusedly.

"We did research on him."

"You have to try one more time, buddy." Taylor said.

Hayley took a deep breath and tried to move left leg. The leg braces should help.

I held on to her as she moved her leg, but she collapsed again.

"WALK YOUR ASS AGAIN!" Taylor shouted.

Hayley cursed and tried for third time. No improvements but she loosened her grip on me.

"Try it again, baby. C'mon." I mumbled and she tried to walk again for the fourth time.

"This is bullshit! Just stop, alright?! I am now worse than dead!" Hayley shouted. I know that she lost her temper now.

I closed my eyes and just rested my head on her shoulder.

"We have to try again tomorrow, okay buddy?" Allison said.

Hayley tried to nod and Richard helped me to carry her.

We sat her in front of the numerous monitors where Eric sat when we went in Santa Clarita.

"You did good." I said to keep her hopes up. Even if she doesn't believe in hope at this moment.

"You gotta be kidding me, Robert. I can't even step my foot on the floor without stumbling." She said and studied Daley's records.

"It's just the first day of trying." I said and kissed her forehead.

She chuckled sarcastically and ignored me because she was now occupied with the records. I read them earlier so I don't have to snatch the papers away from her.

I learned that Jack Spencer Daley IV was born in Amsterdam but he was raised in Boston. He's a physicist and that gave me the clue where he and Hayley met. Because she's into physics. I guess that Daley really was planning this revenge for a long time now.

Taylor walked towards Hayley while holding a chess set.

"Been a while since we last played." She said and Hayley smirked.

I walked away but I kept my distance so I can still hear them. I pretended to be busy on my phone.

I know that Taylor is Hayley's best buddy among the five of them.

Hayley got the whites and they started to play. Everyone was doing their own businesses again. The twins and Richard are playing cards nearby.

"Honestly, man. You need to be your old self again to get Zion back." Taylor admitted while they play.

"I can't ride into battle anymore, Troy."

"You may have lost everything, but you didn't lose your intelligence. You're husband is still here and so is your wit."

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