Memories And Goodbye

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Eric put down his phone after talking to someone.

"Make sure that Robert's safe." I commanded. Eric nodded.

"GODDAMN IT!" I shouted and threw the cases on my desk.

"Just relax, Stark. He won't touch you." Eric said.

"I'm not scared of him. It's just happening again! Now that i'm starting to forget all about it!"

"What's your next move?"

"I'll keep everyone safe first. Especially the twins and Robert." I said collapsing on the couch and massaging my forehead.

Brooky rushed inside.

"No signs of him." He said with a hopeless look.

"Jarvis, find me Anton Santiago." I said to Jarvis.

I walked to the box again and took my old gun.

"What will you do?" Eric asked.

"He gave me back this gun as a reminder of his father's death. This gun will be his reminder too." I said in a distinct tone.

I put the gun in my gun belt and collapsed on the sofa again.

Eric took the box of the dead cat away. Brooky gave me the black paper and I hid it in my blazer pocket.

My phone rang and I saw that it was a conference call from Taylor, Allison, Lauren and Archie. I answered.

"Tell me you received one too." Lauren said in a threatened tone.

"You all received one too?" I asked.

"I just got an FBI jacket that's full of blood and a black note here." Allison said in disgust.

"What did you get?" I asked the others.

"A figurine of Alfonso's plane and a black note." Archie said.

"I got a creepy pilot doll that says 'Sending warm greetings from Anton Santiago'" Lauren said.

"I got Alfonso's bloody shirt and a black note." Taylor said.

"What did you get?" Allison asked. Our voices sounds alarmed.

"A dead cat, black note and my old gun." I said in an angry tone.

"Your old gun?" Archie asked.

"Yeah. The one that I used to kill his father."

"Wait a minute. Our threats are all connected." I said unbelievably.

"How?" They all asked.

"Allison, you got a bloody FBI jacket right? Because he knows that we're a part of them and it symbolizes our deaths. Archie, you got a figurine of that motherfucker's plane and that means he's reminding us the old tragedy. Hitler, you got a pilot doll because you killed his pilot before. Taylor, you got Santiago's bloody shirt because you're the one who caught him." I figured it out.

"And your gun symbolizes his father's death because you're the one who killed him." Lauren said.

"Yes. The gun's well preserved." I said.

"Even the shirt." Taylor said.

"Wait, then what is the meaning of the dead cat?" Allison asked.

"I don't know. But I know that it means something. Something important." I said. I haven't figure it out yet.

"Make sure all of your loved ones are safe." Archie ordered.

"I sent a jet for the twins and securities for Robert as soon as I received the threat." I said.

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