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This is the story, of how I got driven to not only love, but to insanity. I loved, and I still love her. I'll always love her. But she's crazy, and I was crazy for her. She's crazy for leaving me, when she had no reason to. Apparently I was the "crazy" one in the relationship we were in. Enough of crazy.

This isn't your average love story, it actually doesn't even involve love. Well except for her and her new boyfriend, I did love her, but something in me just wasn't able to show that all too well. She made me happy, but I always exerted just, emotionless.

Many women have told me this before, but it was because I was extremely jealous of other guys talking to them when we were together. But after we'd break up, it was normal. I'd move on like nothing.

But when she moved on, God I wanted to just fucking kill him... and her. There's nothing wrong with me, it's all mental. I need help, but I'm not crazy. I just love her, I need a psychologist to help me. We could have worked it out, but apparently I was just too much for her, I was just too much of a psychopath.

Jason's POV
"Well that's the last of it dad, I'll be out of here soon."  I tell my dad and he opens his arms for me to hug him.  "I'm proud of you son, this is a big step for you, and I know you're going to do great things," he tells me and I smile as he lets me go.  "Thanks dad... I think mom would be proud of me," I hesitantly bring her up.  "Anyone would be, even her," he tells me and I smile and blink away the tears.

I look down at my arms filled with beating scars, and run my hand through my hair feeling the permanent bumps from hits and kicks in the past.  "You don't have to remember the reason for those scars, okay Jason?  You're a McCann, you got a strong heart in you," he tells me and I thank him, "Well I'll be out dad, I'll give you the key to the house next week so you can visit anytime. And I'll give you the address for the money," I tell him leaving the house and walk to my car.  "I'll see you soon son, I love you," he says as I get in my car "you too dad."  I drive off.

"To new beginnings" I think to myself driving out into the streets to my new home. It's about thirty minutes away from my dad's house, not too far, but far enough to be independent and on my own.

Pulling up to the driveway I sigh as I stare at the house. All mine, I smile at myself. Opening the trunk, a box slides off of the mountain of boxes, and crashes onto the black cement making glass fall everywhere. "Please don't be the China," I beg at nothing. I flip over the pieces, what do you know, the China plates. I roll my eyes and flip over the box, all the plates shattered.

"Just stay calm, remember what the therapist said," I say as I calm down before I hurt anyone or even myself. I just needed to breathe. I've gone through this before so many times, it's all just in my head.

Yeah that's all it is, in my head.

I sigh loudly as I pick up the broken pieces and place them all in the box. I'll go to the store later to buy them, I make a mental note of. After picking the pieces up, I began taking other boxes out. Box after another, it's finally empty, and now the house is scattered with them. I start at the kitchen and unpack to place them all in the cabinets. Glass cups, Tupperware, plastic bowls, forks and spoons, knifes. Everything but my nice plates, now I really have to go to the store today to get those plates.

I decide to the leave the rest for tomorrow, and go to the store. And I got lost. My dad did tell me it was a new city that they were building, but I didn't know there would be absolutely nothing F.O.R. M.I.L.E.S. "Im going to lose my mind, where the fuck is Walmart?" I say continuing to drive. It's been thirty minutes, there really can't be nothing for miles.

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