
515 21 1

Ana's POV
Gathering my things and placing them back in the luggage and backpack, I zip them up and begin leaving the room. I walk into the lobby and tell the lady at the front desk good bye, and she replies with the same. Walking out the hotel, I could see that the mountains were now covered in snow. And there was a really cold breeze now.

The winter had begun and as much as I would love to stay inside and keep warm, I was dying to go back home. I just wanted to see that asshole and feel his eyes on me when he knows he can't come near me. I was lucky to leave home the week of winter break, so not going to my classes would not be a problem since classes were canceled.

Odd enough to say, he chose the right time to propose.

As I walk in the parking lot and get in my car, Jason calls me, and I happily answer as I set my things in.  We have a small argument and he threatens for the hundredth time to kill me, and I tell him how I would gladly love to see him get arrested for coming near me.  "Listen to yourself Ana, and you say I have no fucking mercy.  That's all you want?  To get me in jail?  First all you want is sex, and now to get me arrested?" And I become angry again. 

"Says the one that tried to fucking sexually harass me, after I simply said no to his proposal," I argue and he laughs.  "You know you would have liked it," he huskily says and my eyes water out of anger.  "I'm going to have you arrested, one way or another, it's happening," I say and he laughs.  "I look forward to you trying," and he hangs up. 

The drive back was long, but I was glad to be going back home. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. With how much insanity Jason holds in it, I don't know what he could do to me. Especially since I'll be living next to him now.

Parking in my drive way, I hear Jason's front door open and I take my backpack and luggage to my house. He runs to me, and I speed walk to my house.  I attempt to close the door but he puts his foot there, I would crush it, but I have mercy for people, unlike him. 

With the consequence of that, he slams the door open and I try to run from him, but he gets me in a choke hold.  "Let me go!" I say and he obviously doesn't listen.  I begin throwing random punches anywhere I assume his body is. Having no success, I dig my long nails into his tattooed arm and he groans letting go. 

I gasp for air, and suddenly I'm pushed to the ground. He then turns me around and gets on top of me.  I use my hands to block his attempts to choke me again. I cover my face with my arms as he then tries to punch me. "Stop!" I yell out and he grabs my arms putting them on top of my head.

"Now, let's finish what we started," he says and he attempts to take my clothes off, "No! Get off of me!" I yell.  He was strong, but I used my nails again by grabbing his arms that were at my jeans and I dig them into his skin as hard as I can.  "I said no!" I grunt and he yells out in pain, "Fuck!" He hisses as his wrists began bleeding out of small half circles. 

"Fucking bitch!" He attempts to punch me and I dodge it.  I push him to the floor and drag his legs and body outside my house.  I quickly run away from him, and he grabs my leg pulling at it making me almost fall on the floor with him.  I pull it towards me and kick his face, "Agh!" he yells out as his nose cracks.  His nose began bleeding, making him let go and I close the door at his face. 

I begin panting as I lock the door and he begins banging at my front door.  "I'm getting you back for that you bitch!" He yells as I then see him leave to his house through my window.  He was holding his nose, I suppose from the nosebleed.  I sigh in relief to myself, now he knows I will fight back.  And did it feel good to let him know. 

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