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Justin's POV
Hearing the sound of my alarm clock go off, I immediately turn to my side and mute it.  I look over Ana's shoulder to check if she was awaken by the sound, and luckily she was still sleeping.  Placing a kiss on her cheek, I slip off of the bed and go into the bathroom to run a shower.

It's been a few weeks since we found out that Ana was pregnant, and I honestly couldn't be any more happier for us. It was definitely a surprise though. Personally, if we were to plan on having kids, I would wait until we both were out of college and had stable lives. But at the same time, I couldn't wait to hold our baby in my arms. I wanted to meet her already, nine months is way too long for me to meet my little princess.

Yes, I'm kind of hoping it's a girl. But don't tell Ana.

She had told me that she wanted to name the baby Jackson, and I was teasing her about the fact that I wanted a baby girl. But she began to cry when I joked about naming the baby Melanie, if she is a girl that is. So I just keep the hope of it being a girl to myself, and allow her to blabber on about how excited she is to meet our soon to be son... daughter.

Getting out of the shower, I wrap my lower body with a towel. I then walk to my closet and look for a long sleeve button up and a pair of slacks. Luckily no tie was necessary for today since I'll be at the jail, so I didn't have to wake up Ana to make it for me. After picking out a grey button up and some black slacks, I then put the clothes on. 

Walking into the bathroom, I get the jar of gel and open it up. Scooping some out I lather it on my hair and with my comb, I comb it to the side and the ends combed to the back. Once I was done, I go into my dresser and dig into it as I look for the bottle of cologne. "Babe, do you know whe-" I say but I stop myself before I could wake up Ana.

"Hm?" She sleepily says and I stay quiet. "Know where what is?" She says as she the sleepily turns around. I quickly walk to her and I gently turn her over, "Be careful love," I whisper to her. The morning sickness has been seriously affecting her, she does small movements and her stomach turns. The last thing I needed right now as I'm supposed to be on my way to work, is for her to throw up.

She stretches and then sighs, as she slowly turns to me. She was at the edge of the bed and I kneel down to her height. "Are you feeling okay?" I lightly ask her as I place some of her hair behind her ear. She nods her head as she continuously closes, then opens her eyes. I could tell she was super tired.

"Go back to sleep okay? I'll be back at around three," I tell her and she looks at me with sad eyes. "What's wrong?" I ask worried and she mumbles, "I don't want you to leave," she says and I lightly laugh as her clinginess kicking in.

"But I have to babe, how else will I spoil our little one when they come?" I say placing my hand at her stomach and water arises to her eyes. "Don't cry baby, what's wrong?" I say placing my hand at her cheek. "I want you to stay. I don't want to stay home by myself," she says and my thumb wipes the tear that fell out of her eye.

"We've just been working and going to school everyday. We haven't gotten a day to ourselves in over a month," she says and I sigh as more tears fell from her eyes.  "The only time I ever really talk to you is in the middle of the night when I want kisses," she says and I lightly smile as I remember her neediness for kisses.  "Okay, I won't work overtime today and the rest of the afternoon is yours," I say and she shakes her head.  "No, I want you to stay the whole day, please?" She begs and I tilt my head.  "I have work to do," I say and she begins crying. 

She sits up and I sit next to her on the bed.  She crawls on my lap and hugs me, I wrap my arms around her to hold her.  Rubbing her back, she mumbles, "Call in sick," and I lightly laugh.  "Babe, you know I can't do that.  Not today, I have a lot of stuff to do," I say and she lets me go.  "For me?" She says with puppy dog eyes and I laugh. 

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