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Ana's POV
Opening my eyes, I look around and become confused as I was in a small white room.  I sit up and I notice my white attire, and the metal bed I was laying on.  I get off of the bed and open the door, as I then begin walking down the white hall. 

I see one woman continuously walking into the wall, and one man scratching at the wall.  As I walk, one man keeps his eyes on me as he walks right past me.

I see a front desk and I walk to the woman sitting at it.  "Excuse me?" I say and she looks at me.  "Yes?  How may I help you?" She asks nicely and I respond, "I'm not sure why I'm here," and she asks for my name.  After I tell her my name she looks at a chart.

"You just came in here last night right?  With that one young man?" "Yes!  The guy, he's trying to get me!  He's out of kill me and my boyfriend!  He might came back and try to kill me again!  You have to get him before he kills me!" I say and someone gets a hold of my shoulders.  "He's not here, you're safe, just let us take care of you," the nurse says and I yank her grip off of me. 

"I'm not crazy!  Get me out of here!  He needs to be in here!  He wants to kill me!" I yell and the nurse pushes me down the hall.  I was then in front of my room, "He wants to kill me!" I say and then she closes the door shut leaving me alone. 

"Get me out of here!" I yell and bang my fists at the metal door.  I go on the top of my toes as I then look at the small window at the top of the door.  Peaking out I see the nurse talking to the woman at the front desk.  I then see the nurse point to my door and I step down. 

I sit at the small desk in the room and open a small journal that sat at the table.  I get the pen next to it and begin doodling. 

I'm going to lose my mind in this place.  I can't stay in here, there has to be a way out.  And when I get out, I putting Jason in here. 

Many hours passed where I was just doodling, then I hear a knock at my door.  Without even being able to say anything, the door opens and out comes a nurse and a guy in a suit. 

I turn in my seat and the nurse eyes me to sit on my bed.  The guy grabs the chair I was sitting on and he sits in front of me. 

"Good after Ana, I'm Dr. Perry, I will be your clinical psychologist.  Your nurse tells me that you came in here last night, claiming that a young man, whom was unconscious, was trying to kill you," "Yes!  He's been trying to kill me!  You have to get him!" I say and he doesn't respond to my claim, he just keeps blabbering on. 

"Well I'm here to tell you, that he's well and alive.  We took him to a nearby hospital and he's doing just fine.  He's not going to kill you, in fact he wanted to tell you that he wishes you well and he wants you to get better in this facility," he says and I cover my face with my hands as I set my elbows at my lap. 

"You won't listen, he's trying to kill me!" "But it seems you're the one who tried to kill him.  You don't have a scratch or anything on yourself, he had a hole in his cheek, and was knocked unconscious Ana.  He doesn't want to hurt you," he says and I just give up on trying to convince them that he wants to kill me. 

Whatever gets me out of here. 

"I went and talked to the young man, he says that you guys are engaged.  And that you believe a beaver lives in the attic of your guys home.  Which you claim he gave nuts.  He also says that you are out of control because you believe he wants to murder you," and I sigh as I then purse my lips looking around the room. 

"It's not a beaver in my attic, it's Bieber!  My boyfriend, he has him in the attic.  And he gave him nuts, and he went to the hospital.  Jason and him can't stay in the same hospital!  He's going to kill my boyfriend!" I say and he looks at me confused. 

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