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Ana's POV (few days later)
"Jesus I can't wait to go home and sleep on an actual bed," I say trying to get comfortable as I held Melanie. Justin lightly laughs as he played with Jackson. He loved to hold fingers, and Justin was playing with him by moving his finger around while the baby made effortless grabby hands.

"I can't wait for you all to come home. It feels so lonely in that house at night," Justin says and I exhale sharply through my nose as I smile. "We just have to wait for them to finish up the paper work and stuff," I tell him as I patted Melanie's bottom as she slowly falls asleep on my chest. 

Justin had been visiting me every day as soon as he got off of work.  On the weekends, he'd stay until visiting hours began, and were over.  We'd spend many hours together loving our little bundles of joy. 

And right now we were waiting for my doctor to give me the yes that I can go home and that the babies are able to come as well.

"Last night," I say and Justin looks up from Jackson's face.  "This little one," I say referring to Melanie.  "Began crying so loud at three in morning, that she woke up Jackson and another baby in the room next to us," I say and Justin raises his eyebrows with a surprised look on his face. 

"I don't think she's going to be an easy one during the night," I say and he shakes his head. "And what about my little buddy?" He says referring to Jackson and I shake my head. "He was quiet," I say and he kisses his forehead.

"I just realized that I'm going to be off of work for three months," I tell Justin and he raises his eyebrows. "Lucky you," he says and I lightly laugh at him. "You can take three months off with me," I joke with him and he sarcastically laughs as I tease him that I'll be getting time off from work.

"I'll be lucky if he lets me take a week off," he says making me laugh.  "Even if you tell him you have kids now?" I ask and he nods his head.  "He doesn't care babe.  I basically had to beg him when we went to the Queen Mary.  And that was only for three days.  I had to get about two weeks ahead before I could get any days off," he says and I hear Jackson whimpering. 

"What's wrong buddy?" He asks the baby as he opened his eyes and looked up at Justin.  Suddenly the baby began crying and Justin quickly grabbed the bottle behind him and popped the bottle in his mouth.  "Did she wake up?" He asks me and I look down at Melanie who was sleeping with her mouth open.  "Nothing's going to wake her up anytime soon," I say looking down at her. 

Hours later, our doctor had finalized the papers and we were able to all go home.

Arriving to the house, I open the passenger door and open the back door.  I get Jackson out of the car seat and Justin gets Melanie out of the other one.  Placing Jackson on my forearm, I grab his blanket and cover him up.  Closing the door, I follow Justin to the front door. 

A big smile plastered on my face when I saw Melanie sleeping over Justin's shoulder.  Her little hands were gripping on his shirt and her cheek was squished against his shoulder.  "Your little twin is drooling on your shirt," I say and he turns his head looking back at me as he unlocked the door. 

"Finally home," he says as the door creeks open.  Walking in, I close the door behind me.  "Wow, you didn't leave it a mess," I say as I turn on the light and Justin lightly laughs at my comment.  The last time he was left home alone, the house was a tad of a mess.  "Well, you didn't see how it was before I cleaned up," he says as we walk up and the staircase. 

As Justin opens the babies room, he whispers to Melanie, "Here's your room."  I look down and I see Jackson blinking his eyes from the light being turned on.  He adjusted his eyes as he then yawns.  His little hands create two fists as he stretched and he then turned his head to the side to look at his surroundings.  "You like your room?" I ask him as he just stared blankly. 

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