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Ana's POV
It was our last day on the ship, and as much fun as I had spending time with Justin, and ice skating, and going to the isolation room every night, I was a bit relieved to be leaving this creepy room.

Very few eerie things would happen, but nothing too major. We hadn't seen, nor heard, or even felt anything our entire time in the room. Which probably explains why we spent a lot of time in the isolation room because many spirits are left there.

We may have not gotten anything out of the room, or the supposed woman that haunts the room, but the isolation room definitely paid off for it. It was funny to run off after hearing something or feeling something touch us and we would be too scared to stay. And then the next night, go again just to run off just like the other night prior.

I still haven't gotten the hang of ice skating, I'm not an adept ice skater like Justin, but at least we both got a lot of laughs from me repeatedly falling backward and even forward on the ice.

Not once did Justin "catch me" like he had promised

But anyways, since it was our last day on the ship, Justin had suggested we go to a really nice restaurant near the beach tonight.  We haven't gone to a fancy restaurant or anything like that as a date ever, so I think tonight might be something special.  With Justin, it's always surprises.  And I wouldn't be surprised if he had something up his sleeve tonight. 

"Alright, so I made the reservation a while ago.  Will you give me permission to be mad if they didn't write down the reservation?" Justin says walking out of the shower and I shake my head laughing as I roll my eyes.  "I'm sure they wrote it down.  I doubt they would hire irresponsible people to work there, especially with how many people make reservations on a daily at the restaurant," I tell him and he begins applying lotion to his arms. 

I just knew he was nervous for something to go completely wrong, which makes it even more obvious that he has a 'surprise,' coming considering he's never acted this way.  He's a very calm person, so to see him nervous or worrying is new. 

"I just don't want anything to go wrong," he says and I ask him after I apply mascara, "And why are you so worried?" The change in his attitude and face was almost hard to not laugh at.

"Me?  Nervous?  Worried?  Not at all, this is just another date.  Just more high class, and private, and... yeah just like any other regular date we've had," he says and I raise my eyebrows at him giving him the 'oh really?' look and he nods his head. 

But I knew he was lying. 

"You're nervous about something," I say turning around to face the mirror and he says, "No I'm not, don't worry about a thing," he says as he kisses my cheek and leaves into the restroom to not embarrass himself any more. 

After we had gotten ready, we left the room and went on the drive to the restaurant.  Leaving the ship, it wasn't too cold, so wearing a dress and a coat on top was adequate for the weather tonight.

We get into the car, and like always before leaving, he checked for his phone, his wallet, and his keys. He then gasps, and I suppose he forgot something. "I-I forgot something in the room. It's just like a gift card or something, I'll be right back okay?" He says freaking out and he quickly gets out of the car and I see him jog back to the ship to get whatever he had left behind in the room.

I was left in the car alone, but soon enough he comes back and he jumps in the car. He was a bit out of breath, "Sorry, just didn't want to forget the thing," he says and I say, "The gift card?" He looks at me, "Gift card? Oh! Yeah, yes the gift card," he says laughing it off and I just smile at his adorable nervousness that he tried so hard to hide.

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