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Ana's POV
Laying in bed with Justin, I lay my head on his chest.  He's been home for a week and everyday I've become more closer to him than ever before.  After not seeing him for a while, I've been cherishing every moment with him.  It was late at night and Justin was telling me about some conspiracy theory a friend from work had told him about today.  He had woken me up just to tell me all about it when he got home, and he hasn't stopped since then. 

"I'm not crazy Ana, you have to believe me, we're in a simulation," he says making me laugh and I shake my head.  "That's impossible," I say and he replies, "Elon Musk says otherwise," making me playfully roll my eyes.  "Baby, it's three in the morning, why on earth are you thinking about this?" I say and he purses his lips. 

"You say the most random things late at night," I say making him laugh as what I said was completely true.  "Remember when we were first dating and you tried to convince me how witches exist?" I say making him laugh.  "Yeah I remember that," he says and I say, "And then the time you convinced me how time traveling was possible."  "Nicolas Cage does not age, he's got to be a time traveler or a vampire or something," he says defending himself I laugh shaking my head. 

"You're just crazy what's what it is," I say and he kisses me.  "You still love me," he says and I kiss him as I then giggled from his comment. 

Yawning, I turn around and Justin whines.  "Hey," He says dragging out the word making me laugh.  "Cuddle with me," he says hugging me from behind and he kisses my cheek making me blush. 

"Go to sleep," I say giggling as he kisses my neck.  Turning around, I push him on his back.  Sitting at the bottom of his torso, he holds my waist as he looked up at me.  Bending down to kiss him, my hands were placed at his abs and his hands touched my thighs. 

He then says, "Seriously?" when we both hear Jackson crying down the hallway.  I crawl off his lap and I put on some shorts.  Justin then puts on a pair of sweats over his boxers and we both walk into the room.  I could feel a headache coming in when I then hear Melanie crying along with Jackson. 

Justin bends down into Melanie's crib carrying her against his chest.  "What's wrong munchkin, are you hungry?" He says carrying her and I get Jackson.  Holding him, I feel he had a full diaper. 

Getting two diapers, wipes, powder, and two bottles, Justin and I walk back into our room.  Setting Jackson on the bed, I remove his diaper to change him.  After doing so, I throw the full diaper in a trash can in the bathroom.  Getting a bottle, I pop it in his mouth and he stops crying. 

After Justin changes Melanie, he lies down next to her as he fed her the bottle.  Jackson had drank almost a quarter of the bottle already, so I put him over my shoulder to burp him.  "Lay down babe," Justin suggests and I sit at the edge of the bed.  Patting his back for a few more second, he then releases a burp making Justin raise his eyebrows. 

"That's my little boy," he says looking at Jackson and I pick him up from my shoulder.  Looking at him, I then kiss his cheek and he releases a gentle laugh. 

After a few minutes of feeding him the bottle, he closes his eyes and falls asleep.  "He fell asleep," I whisper looking back at Justin and he tilts his head to Melanie.  Looking down at her, I see her blinking very slowly as she drank milk from the bottle. 

A few more seconds later and she was fast asleep.  "Let's go?" Justin mouths to me and I nod my head.  Carrying both babies back to their room, we place both of them in their cribs. 

Walking back to our room, Justin says, "You still haven't given me an answer."  Looking at him confused, he says, "We have three weeks to move there or I don't get the job.  Do you want to move or not?" I roll my eyes and say, "This again?" as I then open the door to our room.  "Yes again, don't you want to move out of here.  Live in a bigger house, away from him," he says and I tug on the blankets trying to ignore him. 

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