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Justin's POV
It's been five days since I've seen Ana, and something about me is worried that Jason might have something to do with it.  She had told me she'd see me first thing in the morning everyday, but it was already six in the afternoon. She might be busy, but I know she's the type of person that will make time to see someone, and not just flake on them.

Biting into the turkey sandwich, I flip through the channels on the small tv provided. If you'd ask me how bored I was sitting in this hospital room all alone, I'd inform you that I've been watching 'telenovelas' for the past few days. I have no idea what they're saying because I can't understand a word of Spanish, but it's too dramatic to not watch.

The only good use for my right arm at the moment, was for flipping through the channels, and for reminding me how much I wanted to dislocate Jason's limbs. Every time it hurt, I wished it would have been Jason feeling it throughout his whole body.

Yes, my hatred for him has definitely grown in the last five days. And probably even more when I go back with him and Ana.

As much as I hated Jason and wanted to be away from him, I know Ana needs me now, and I can't just leave her alone in the house with that psychopath. I'm still unsure of when and how we're going to take him out of the house, but I hope we come up with a plan really soon.

The doctor comes in the room, and I look away from the television. "We just checked the x-rays, and it looks like your shoulder should be just fine. You're fine to go home, you can move your shoulder around, until uncomfortable obviously. But, be cautious with it. Otherwise you could possibly dislocate it," he says and I put the tray to the side as I then stand up from the bed.

"Just make sure you come back next week for those stitches," he says and I nod my head as he then leaves the room for me to change back into the clothes I came in with.

After changing, I turn off the tv and put my shoes on. I grab my dead phone and head out into the parking lot to find my car. Jumping in the car, I drive back to Ana's house, hopefully she would be there.

Opening her front door, I see Jason in the living room and I eye him. Ignoring him, I run up the staircase and knock on her door. "Ana?" I say and I knock again. Slowly opening her door, I notice she wasn't in the room. Normally I'd see her on her bed typing an assignment or reading a book.

But her bed was messed up and empty. I check the restroom, not there. Running downstairs, I walk into the living room. "Where's Ana?" I ask Jason knowing he had something to do with it.

As I looked at him, I notice the stitches on his cheek and the bruises all over his face.

I internally smile as I knew Ana had done it.

"Figure it out for yourself," he says and I sarcastically laugh. "Enough of your childish bullshit, where the fuck is Ana," I say and he shrugs his shoulders as he took a bite off a sandwich. I slap the sandwich out of his hand and I grab him by the collar, pulling him to my face.

"Where's Ana?" I say and he laughs. I wrap my other hand around his neck and I see him become scared. "I'm only going to ask you one more time, where is Ana?" I say as my grip on him before tight and I could see him struggling to breathe.

"Let me go," he says sounding out of breath. "Answer the question first," I say holding him by both my hands around his neck and he tried taking my fingers off his neck but failed miserably. "At the... mental... hospital," he says and I let him go as he then fell to the floor and began gasping.

Walking out the house I then get back in my car and drive to the nearby mental hospital.

Arriving to the facility, I see women and men dressed in all white attire. One woman was staring at some birds at a distance and one man was clawing at a tree. Both people sent shivers down my spine.

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