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Ana's POV
Calling Justin for the twentieth time, my heart broke and more tears fell from my eyes. I didn't want to accept that he actually left, with the kids. I know he still loves me, if he'd just answer we can fix this.  He obviously thinks I still love Jason, which isn't true. 

Sighing as I heard the same, "Hey it's Justin, I'll call you back as soon as I can, have a great day," once again, I set my phone down and covered my face with my hands.  Sharply exhaling I sob into my hands.  With my watered eyes I look around the room and my heart breaks when I see the letters he'd written for me pinned to the walls.  I see the pictures of us and the kids.  I see the vase of flowers and a card on the dresser. 

Wiping my tears away, I stand up from the bed and walk into the now half empty closet.  Looking behind the door I see the jacket Justin had worn when he asked me to be his girlfriend.  Picking it up from the floor, I tightly grasp it and I could smell his cologne making me just break down again. 

I missed his face, his lips, his eyes.  I missed the way his arms held me tightly anytime I was in stress, and the way his nose crinkled up when he was laughing too hard.  I missed his touch and begging for me to hold him.  I'm going to miss those late night wake ups of him asking for kisses, and his asking for us to cuddle.  I just miss him. 

It hadn't been that long of him leaving, but just knowing that he's given up on us made me feel broken.  He was my soulmate, and now that's gone because of me.  He doesn't want to continue our relationship because of something so stupid. 

Because of me, and because of Jason.

Sniffling I stand up from the floor and I walk back to the room.  Laying on the bed, I hold the sweater to my chest as I cried to myself.  "I'm so sorry," I say crying as I wanted to just hold him and tell him how much I loved him.  I wanted him holding me close as we laid in bed.  I wanted his forehead kisses as we both fell asleep.  Having his hands running through my hair a I breathed in his cologne. 

Looking down at my hands my vision became blurry again because the ring was missing.  I've never felt so alone, all in just a matter of a few minutes of someone leaving.  I have all these things that are reminding me of him, and yet I can't hold him. 

Putting my hands to my face I sob into them as all the memories fled into my mind. I remembered when we first met, the first time he told me he loved me. I remembered the times we would wake one another up asking for kisses. I remembered the times when he would kiss the back of my hand and make me insanely blush. I remembered running out of the morgue from the Queen Mary. I remembered the time we made dinner together for the first time. The memory of us making cookies together was brought to my mind as I remembered how happy it made him.

I wanted all of that so badly. Sniffling I harshly breathed into the jacket allowing the smell of his cologne to calm me down.

Justin's POV
Driving down the freeway, I get my phone from my pocket and call the guy.  It rings a few times and he then answers.  "Justin?  So glad to hear from you, have you made your decision?" He asks and I stay silent for a few moments.  "Yeah, I'll see you in week Miguel," I say with a cheerful tone and he happily replies with, "I'll make sure to advise my employees about the new worker coming in.  They'll be glad to meet you Justin."

Smiling I reply, "I'm sure I will be too.  Have a great night, I'll see you Monday," I say and he tells me bye.

Hanging up on the phone, I look back at the babies and smile when I see both of their eyes looking back at me.  Looking back at the road I say, "I promise everything I do is for you both.  Never forget that."

Opening the hotel door, I set the last luggage on the floor.  Looking at Melanie and Jackson sleeping on the bed, I yawn.  That seven hour drive really got me tired.  Looking at the time, I lift my eyebrows when I see it was three in the morning.  Getting a clean pair of pajamas and boxers from one of the luggages I go into the bathroom to change. 

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