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Ana's POV
"Can you hand me a water bottle love?" Jason asks as I walk to the refrigerator. Opening it, I look in and get what I was looking for. "Catch," I say throwing him one across the kitchen and he successfully does so. He gets up and grabs his pills from the cabinet. The sound of the pills shaking was heard as he accidentally drops the bottle. "That scared me, I thought it was open," he laughs and I smile, the Jason I fell in love with was back.

He opens the bottle and takes one pill in his hand as he then chugs it down with the water. Closing the water bottle he then places the small bottle back in the cabinet.  "I've never known someone who keeps pills in their kitchen," I say and he chuckles.  He walks to me and I lean against the fridge as he locks me in place.  "There's a lot of things you don't know about me," he says and laughs.  I kiss his lips and he holds my cheeks. 

After he lets me go, I thought of how much progress he's made.  The last outburst he had was at the restaurant, and I feel like the real Jason is back.  The one I fell in love with and wanted to have a future with.  It's crazy to know that we've only been together for less than a year, and with how young we are, we just know that our futures will have one another in them.  Maybe we're not ready for marriage, or a family, but but we will be one day. 

"We should get out of the house.  I could use a fun time after taking all these pills and going to therapy," he says and I nod my agree, "I think that's well deserved," and he suggests we go to a bar.  "A bar?  Can you drink even though you're taking the pills?" I ask and he nods his head, "I'm sure it wears off after a few hours, I don't think it'll be dangerous," he says and I consider it to be true. 

"You want to go tonight around eight?" I ask and he nods his head "Yeah, that way we don't drive back super late," he says and I agree. 

Hours later (Jason's POV)
Getting out of the shower, I wrap my lower body in a towel and walk out to the room.  Ana was in a dress and heels.  She was applying make up and her hair was in her natural curls.  As she's told me before, anytime she goes out, she has to dress nice.  And I absolutely love it because she looks stunning every time. 

I walk to her and kiss the crown of her head.  She looks me in the mirror and she says turning around, "Ooh look at you all shirtless," making me laugh as I back up.  "I'm going to walk away for now before we get there super late," I say and she gasps as she then laughs.  "I wasn't thinking of anything," she says and I give her look with my eyebrows raised, "Don't deny what went through your mind when you saw me Ana," I say laughing as I search for clothes to wear for tonight. 

She rolls her eyes as she applies mascara and I just chuckle.  "You always tease me," she says and I reply, "But I know you love it" and she looks at me.  "What makes you say that?" She asks and I laugh, "You said so last night," and she throws a nearly empty water bottle at me making me laugh as I quickly dodge it.  She shakes her head laughing in the mirror as I then run to the restroom to change in the clothes I got. 

After I put on my jeans I button up my shirt, and get started on my hair.  Ana seemed to love the quiff hairstyle, so I took out the blow dryer to get started on it.  My sleeves kept getting in the way, so I walked out the restroom to ask Ana for help.  "Babe, can you roll up my sleeves for me?" I ask as I walk to her and she pauses her make up to fix it. "You should wear the Rolex," she suggests as she notices my bare wrists. I gasp, "I should," I say and I take out the box it was in from my dresser. "Gold one, or the black one?" I ask taking out both and she looks at my outfit. "Definitely the gold one," and I smile as I thought the same. "Thanks love," I kiss her and get back to the restroom to finish my hair.

After finishing my hair, Ana and I get in my car to go to the bar. "I just realized that I've never seen you drunk," I tell Ana as we stop at a red light. "And I'd like to keep it that way," she says and I ask why. "What type of drunk are you?" I ask and she says, "Take a guess." I chuckle as I say, "A horny one," and she punches my abs making me laugh in pain. "That's probably you," she says and I nod my head.

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